Tariffs on Turkey, sanctions on Russia, tRump can’t even get along with his own kind–megalomaniacal authoritarians.
Yeah, I’m actually quite surprised at this move. I would have thought that Rump would bend over backward for Erdogan.
“Our relations with Turkey are not good at this time!”
This may well be true, but they are an ally, you cretin. Don’t say it out loud.
Nuance, nuance, you are an ance!
I’m sure someone will be happy to take over Incirlik Air Base.
Or perhaps bend over forwards.
Trump got involved to please evangelicals, and now is pissed that Erdogan has defied him to date.
If this drags on too long, Trumpp will ban the import of frozen birds from Turkey so that the country loses the huge revenue from the US Thanksgiving season.
Trade is what’s going to ruin Trump. It brings together all of his worst traits - impulsiveness, ignorance, wild over-estimation of his own understanding - with the most immediate and serious real-world consequences. And he’s made this issue his own: there is nobody else to blame.
Plenty of his borgs will follow him anywhere, but many will not, especially when the economic fallout starts to inflict real pain.
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s push to amass power
So that’s what they’re calling it.
The article does note that Turkey has responded by turning more to Russia and weakening its ties to NATO, which would seem to fit with Trump’s mission goals.
he’s like a psychopathic kid who keeps taking apart his toys just to see the innards.
Strange how Trump’s tweet has the consequence of pushing one of our allies away from us and towards one of our enemies. And not just any enemy: Russia.
Probably a coincidence.
Actually, this isn’t all that strange. The Dotard is helping Russia build a stronger global coalition. The US is busy making enemies, sending all of our allies to Russia, making Putin stronger and stronger on the world stage. I’m sure this is exactly what Putin directed his puppet to do.
Bring back Witch Hunt Victim Mike Flynn for better relations with Turkey and President Erdogan, who likes me very much! MAGA.
This is going to kill Flynn’s chances of getting his job working for Turkey back.
the sanctions are in retaliation of turkey holding a priest and other after a failed govt take over…
Well he promised to run the country like his business, right? Childish decisions, vindictive moves, lighting fires under his own bed to spite people. It’s not like he didn’t warn us.
His authoritarian buddies are finding out just how much Trump’s word is worth.
This guy is so inept he can’t even do the wrong thing for the right reasons.
Exactly. Cui bono? This all makes perfect sense if one assumes that Trump is doing the bidding of Russia, which has deep interests in bottling up Western Europe by alienating it from weakly integrated allies on its periphery. Syria, Turkey, Iran–hell, there was even talk of a Russian deal with Greece a few years back. No doubt some well-connected people in the Trump orbit made a killing shorting the lira as well. Pardon my cynicism, but the it does appear that the international Mob is taking over.