Big Hair adviser’s work is done. He’ll cash his huge paycheck and look back fondly on trying to convince the rubes it was going to be drumpf 2.0, but no.
Hitler had a bad haircut, too.
Check out the hair! It’s a damned surfboard.
Thank you. God this narrative irked me so much.
… . . . and here we are with another member of the Clinton family and “Liberal” Democratic Party trying to become our ruler. A Clinton family that has never looked away from supporting an “American” war. One that has placed the 1% above the rest. One that has protected the strong and punished the weak. One that has supporters whose only reason for being is to give insults to their opponents - Democratic, Republican or Independent.
Why “repeat”? Is the Democratic Party so devoid of people and Ideas that it has to re-run the past? A past that has failed vest sections of our society?
You may choose to “misunderestimate” Trump. You may choose to think you know it all.
Most people know that the “Presidential Thing” is an act. Politicians are actors. Some are good and some are bad. Maybe you don’t agree with what he says. But he is saying what he thinks is the truth. People notice that.
I cant tell if he’s running for President or another season of the Apprentice.
“The smug style, at bottom, is a failure of empathy. Further: It is a failure to believe that empathy has any value at all. It is the notion that anybody worthy of liberal time and attention and respect must capitulate, immediately, to the Good Facts.”
“I am suggesting that they notice how hating and ridiculing the people they say they want to help has led them to stop helping those people, too.”
I bet everyone in that audience is thinking “he’s not lying to me, he’s lying to everyone else”.
One can only hope that Paul Manafort is being paid very handsomely for trying—and failing—to make Trump into a palatable candidate for the general election.
AS long as Trump stays Trump, the Democratic wave for November will keep building.
Do you remember all the crying GOPers in November '12? Do you remember the tears streaming down their faces on election night? Do you remember the soul searching? Start buying up popcorn now. Can you imagine the epic tantrum that awaits?
Tee shirts and bumper stickers please.
Whichever gets him the most attention.
After 3 days on the job, Manifort has been neutered, spayed, and cuckolded. Sit Ubu sit.
I believe it’s a bit more complicated than that.
Our perceptions are often a product of an emotionally biased reaction to historical experience. When we are unable, because of a variety of factors, to clearly see the true roots and significance of an experience, we often misattribute them and tend to respond to similar circumstances as if our perception of cause and significance were accurate.
This is the essence of PTSD reactions which, while virtually irresistibly driven by the actor’s perception, are clearly out of line with the observed reality as experienced by most onlookers.
One of the hardest things for us as humans to do is challenge our own perceptions. It is much easier when we can identify some clue, usually via outside but trusted input, that our reactions to events are out of whack with their true significance. Then we have to first identify the distortion, before we can begin to consider alternative, more pro-social, responses.
The more stressful the situation - in other words, the more we believe that our way of life is at risk, the harder it is for us to reconsider our established patterns of perception and attendant responses.
A wise man once said–and I’m paraphrasing–“Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.”
Now we will get to see how long Monatfort hangs around the blowhard.
So, Trump is never real or authentic, he admits. It’s all an act, a continuation of his reality TV pose.
Thanks for being honest about this, Donald. Now about the other matters that you haven’t been truthful about…
sjk : I cant tell if he's running for President or another season of the Apprentice.
Neither can Donald, The difference escapes him.