Discussion: Trump's Tease Of Possible Comey Tapes Fits Familiar Pattern

To summarize the, as usual, overlong AP article. Trump is a bullshitter; he engages in outrageous bluffs; and the likelihood that there are any tapes of his conversations with Comey is vanishingly small.

“I think he was in his way instinctively trying to rattle Comey,”

Another consequence of no one ever challenging him on his BS. He just kept BSing until he came up against someone who could only be rattled by phony Russian claims about Hillary’s emails.

So his pattern is just lying about having shit.

Yeah, if he had tapes, he’d have already released them and had this shit off his back. He’s got nothing like always.

Trump being Trump, he hasn’t figured out that whatever a U.S. president says makes news and that Americans, out of respect for the office if not for the office holder, presume what he’s saying has gravitas.

Gradually, the nation is coming to see him for what he is: the pro wrestling “heel” he liked to play for the cameras in Atlantic City back when profiting from huge bankruptcies was his passion.

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In my view, Trump is an “attention whore” who’s learned that he can have malicious fun and hold the spotlight by dangling this kind of empty BS in front of the press and public. He’s like a more compulsive version of Ann Coulter when she has a new book on the market.

As with the Obama birth certificate, I really don’t care about, or listen to, anything this guy says. The appropriate penalty to Trump for all the constant flood of vacuous drama, BS, and lying from Trump is to become utterly irrelevant.

I choose to oppose his actions while igoring his statements (save noting them when they provide evidence that he’s involved in a crime).