irasdad: i wonder why the klan, the aryan nation, the neo-nazi groups, and every idiotic militia in the country think trump is the tits? could it possibly be his rhetoric? maybe his donations? and where the hell are his tax returns?
i’m pretty sure it’s in some other place.
Okay, Jared. But…
Just last week at a Trump event, probably at the same event, a woman complained about hijab-wearing (or as she called them “hibby-jobbies”) TSA agents at airports. She recommended that all the Muslims be fired and replaced with traditional Americans. Your father-in-law didn’t miss a beat in replying that “We’re looking into that.”
No script, no handlers, no TelePrompter - just a strong racist opinion from the hip.
Trump may or may not be antisemitic and racist; but he sure does a great impression of an antisemite and racist, though. Be that as it may, he’s still a narcissistic ignoramus who is unfit to lead even so much as a kazoo band.
Edit: Actual kazoo band.
old_curmudgeon: trump is fluidly amoral, not an ethical bone in his body.
Trump’s “I am not a crook” by proxy moment.
He hasn’t done it yet
self hating jew says what?
Mike Tyson: He is not a rapist either.
Ivana Trump: I know for sure.
No Jared. it’s not as simple as that.
The fact is Rump IS racist and antisemitic. It’s just the way it is. You can’t watch him go through all these horrible ideas and gestures and then come up with some straw man to all back on. There is NO WAY that the images that he’s not disavowed weren’t calling some of the worst antisemitic tropes around. You and your family have to deal with this once he loses. And he will.
Ms. Schwartz has guts to stand up for herself and what she knows is wrong.
He just likes to dog whistle to anti-Semite and racists by lifting shit from White Nationalist websites. And yes, you father-in-law is a racist.
Court Jew vouches for absolute monarch’s benign tolerance towards the Hebrew race.
And if you believe Jared, I’ve got a bridge closing to tell you about that he says Christie had nothing to do with.
I believe the term that best describes Drumpf is Sociopath.
Or as that great American philosopher, Forrest Gump, once noted, “Stupid is as Stupid does.”
Who gives credence to anything said by the asshole loser’s son-in-law?
“after he tweeted Saturday an image of Hillary Clinton over a Star of David.”
Did you look at the image before describing it, or just close your eyes and envisioned what you thought it should look like?
“Around and around and around we spin
With feet of lead and wings of tin.”
Question: “What do we call the people who won’t hire minorities or beat others up for their religion?”
Answer: Republicans
The sociopath doesn’t fall far from the tree.