Scavino said he deleted the tweet soon after it went up because he “would never offend anyone.”
Trump is upset as his team is now “Pivoting” towards Political Correctness.
Now that they’ve admitted they didn’t make the image, the question should be asked:
“How do you know it’s not a Star of David?”
No matter how they try to bandage the running sore that is the Trump Presidential campaign, the fear and hatred, like pus, will continue to seep through.
The poster children of necrotizing fasciitis. Time for debridement…with votes.
“Uh yeah… That’s the ticket!”
When you’re explaining you’re losing.
With reverse image search there is zero reason why any of this should happen other than incompetence or wanting to send a not so subtle dog whistle. Just what we all want to replace no drama Obama with, incompetent loud mouthed racists.
Keep talking about this, guys, third explanation’s the charm. Meanwhile, care to explain the use of first person in your latest explanation?
Trump’s social media director “lifted” the image from another Twitter user, and then “selected” the star? These morons can no longer bullshit convincingly.
He added ,“We retweet all sorts of shit and we are so fucking tone deaf we never noticed it , but who cares because base”
I guess I’m missing something. How does the fact that it’s someone else’s image make using it any less antisemitic?
Wait a second. Did he admit it came from @fishbonehead1, or did he say he came from some other unnamed Twitter account? If its the former, he has a lot more splainin’ to do.
Keep talking about it, boys! Keep screaming that it’s all a plot by the Clinton machine and EMAILS!!! and BENGHAZI!!! and BLOWJOBS!!! and TARMAC!!! Just keep the story in the news as long as possible. Don’t ever admit you’re wrong. Why, that’s like saying the Baby Jesus was a communist if you admitted you were wrong! Let the media take 3 or 4 more months to analyze and figure it out.
Don’t give up! Keep fucking that chicken, boys!
Oh, and I finally figured out what that pic of the 3 Trump doofuses reminds me of:
They kinda owned the image after they scrubbed the “@FishBoneHead1” identifier. That wouldn’t have been done unless they understood that the source was a virulent antisemite and the picture’s true meaning would be swiftly uncovered. But Google has image search…who knew? Not them, apparently.
This is a Republican. You were expecting logic, maybe?
“Appearing on CNN Monday afternoon, avid Trump supporter Scottie Nell
Hughes ran into a bit of a buzzsaw when she attempted to dismiss Donald
Trump’s anti-Semitic tweet as something someone else created and
therefore not worthy of discussion.
Asked by host Carol Costello “Why it is important for Mr. Trump to
explain why he tweeted or retweeted this image?” CNN political analyst
Errol Lewis corrected the record and launched into a diatribe against
the Trump campaign.”
They wouldn’t have a problem if they weren’t constantly searching for the most vile images to use against Hillary. Way to define a presidential campaign down, Donnie Demento.
When watching Errol Lewis eat that Trump surrogate alive, I could not help but think of a famous quote:
Lets not forget how we got here folks. Trump is running because he is consumed with anger at Obama for mocking him and his birtherism at the correspondent’s dinner.
The only question is, did Trump’s birtherism send him down the neo-nazi rabbit hole, or was he a birther because he had already fallen down the hole?
And Himmler, and Goehring, and Goebbels – oh my!
Overlay SS grays and Luftwaffe dress whites?
Et voila! The Fourth Reich is underway.