Obviously, they’re trying to hide their culpability for … BENGHAZZZZZZZZEEEEEEEE!!!
Where do we get tickets? I tried Amazon.
Call in the FBI!
I’ve often wondered if a bunch of old, white progressives or Never Dumpers could be organized to attend the Tiny Fingered Vulgarian’s campaign speeches in such numbers that they couldn’t be ejected. Put on Make Amerikkka Goosestep Again hats and infiltrate all his events. Even if it would only happen once, the optics of half the crowd booing and jeering would be awesome.
Peter Baker. Ugh.
‘LOCK THEM UP! LOCK THEM UP! LOCK THEM UP!’ The hubris of these jackholes takes my breath away.
Considering that they had to pay people to go to the Phoenix rally…that may be possible.
So is Kobach being paid directly by Moscow to fix the 2018 midterms or is he taking his cut in freeze-dried DACA recipients?
His run for Kansas Goob seems all locked-up, too, wazzup wid dat?
Kobach may be career-destroying Trump’s first clearly identifiable victim, there have been others already like Spicer and Reibus, but their political careers were already stale, Kobach imagined himself on a rocket to the stars and it was just another Trump dud… fizzling out even as we watch.
These Trump Party bottle rockets like Kobach who imagine themselves ICBM’s always fizzle out with a final desperate flare, and this is no exception.
Kobach’s got many more anti-democratic antics available to offend, obstruct and outrage all of us before his political career is over. He’ll be doing wingnut radio with Crazy-Joe Walsh after the fall.
The House Committe To Cover Up Trump/Russia Collusion is way ahead of you…
Not to mention Failin’ Palin.
Maybe this is William Gardner’s use - to provide damning internal info on the “commission’s” doings. One can hope
Palin and all the GOP Cabinet Officers and Governors who began the policy of using private email servers to avoid accountability and FOIA requests.
ROFLM frickin’ AO,
Hillary! Benghazi! E-mails! Private server! And a collective ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…from the GOP…
Where’s Chaffetz when you need him?
(oh yeah…he bailed when it started looking like real work was involved)