Police states don’t come cheap.
Trumpp would have inspired a few more novels from Chuck.
And illustrations…a misshapen nose like Trump’s screams for graphite and paper.
You would think Trump would be all over anything that remotely sounds like a heap of lies.
[T]he program, which has distributed $3.4 billion to about 6 million households this fiscal year...I'm so glad the misadministration has found such an important source of savings. I mean, that's a whole 0.085% of the federal budget. Such savings.
Trump makes Despicable Me look like an angel
The biggest problem with gas is that in a lot of rural areas, the natural gas infrastructure just isn’t there, and they can’t afford to put it in. So we’d have had to do more than giving people assistance, we’d have needed to give big chunks of entire states assistance.
Most likely all those rural Trump voters in Maine – who are most heavily concentrated in the poorer and more rural counties inland and to the north – will be shielded from this particular effect of their Trump vote by their (relatively) moderate independent and GOP-lite Senators joining Dems and (relatively) moderate GOPers from other states to block this measure.
So at least they’ll be warm when they sit down to open their mail one day and find out that their health care premiums have spiked far beyond their ability to pay, or that they’ve been thrown off their insurance entirely.
Dickens would have created the perfect Trump fictional twin. He would have eviscerated him and his monied barbarianism and lack of human decency.
But he wouldn’t have overlooked Price either. A perfect Victorian melodrama villain.
That’s it, exactly. What the fuck is wrong with them?
They’re Republicans—which means that they suffer from an incurable mental disease.
These patented TrumpWinterWarmingMasks™ would be a great help for these poor people suffering from lack of heat.
They are for sale on Ivanka’s web site for only $123.98 +Tax.
Let them mine coal.
So the War on Poverty will continue. We’ve just changed the enemy.
Its depressing that trump and all the repugs, and the Koch&Friends, can’t grasp that this money is going into the US economy, helping the entire country. Nobody is burning up dollar bills.
Its also depressing that Trump, like so many “conservatives” believes its illegal to cut off heat and water and electricity to poor people. I know quite a few people who seem to believe this…that “they” (gov) have this kind of control over utilities companies, and, for that matter all companies. It helps explain why they claim to loathe & fear “big government”. Because they’re ignorant dupes.
The problem is that sociopaths (who have completely subsumed the Republican party leadership) don’t understand cooperation and they live in a dystopian world of zero-sum outcomes. They can’t comprehend how protecting their neighbor benefits themselves. For them, it’s all a stark world of Nash equilibriums and game theory outcomes.
I agree. The very rich (1%) seem to think it is natural and right that 99% of humanity should live in poverty and fear. “Social Darwinism aka: Survival of the fittest/strongest”, a twisted and cruel interpretation of Darwin’s actual observation that the most adaptable will survive & thrive.