Discussion: Trump's Nutso Idea On U.S. Debt Walked Back By His Finance Chair

One does not get involved in building ANYTHING big requiring concrete in NYC or NJ without the Mafia being involved. That angle should be investigated. And covered in the media.


Under the theory that it is never too soon to start talking about itā€¦ I am sure that the the sunday talk shows are going to be discussing this in some way or form in three daysā€¦ If one of the shows has Paul Ryan or one of the other members of the Republican House leadership I would love to hear them get asked something along these linesā€¦ ā€œā€¦ Assume for a minute that it is this time a year from now and Trump is now POTUS. If he had gone on the record like he did this week and suggested that we default on the debt of the United Statesā€¦ would you see this as a ā€˜high crime or misdemeanorā€™ in the context of Article II Ā§ 4?ā€


Trump is speaking to his supporters they probably think negotiating down the amount owed id something that can and should be done. It is so outrageous Trumps interested only in continuing the con. he knows the US Treasury cannot and will not be able to have such a policy. Beware of him he is far more dangerous than most people believe. his self interest borders on the pathological.


Trump doesnā€™t know about Treasury bonds and what they mean. Well there is a lot of stuff he knows nothing about, but his ā€˜common senseā€™, really common nonsense, fills in the blanks. Iā€™d love to get into how crazy this ā€œrenegotiateā€ the US debt thing is but more interesting to me is this Mnuchin. What kind of man would take this job? Didnā€™t he know he would be humiliated on a daily basis which is going to be the fate of all Trumps policy advisers. Does he think Trump can be tamed or is Mnuchin a wacko too or some sort of megalomaniac? Was he sort of ordered into the Trump circle by the powers that be,and if ever the term ā€œpowers that beā€ had a name itā€™s GS. Ordered in to tame and rein in the Donald as much as possible or just to get the inside dope.

These are legitimate questions. Every anarchist should hope Trump is elected. Itā€™s the best hope then can have for systematic dislocation, financial or war.


Shorter Trump: Even the US can aspire to be Argentina.


Heā€™s the King of the Con.


They will brazen their way through just like Cheney (who endorsed Trump today) did.


I think Ryan will see it as a brilliant way to destroy SS and thus sign on with The Donald at next weekā€™s meeting. The media wonā€™t even cover this on the Sunday talking head shows because itā€™s too complicated for them to understand much less the Palin people.

Donā€™t think for a minute that these incompetent Republicans will do exactly what Trump is suggesting. After all, they have converted all their bonds into gold, right?


It came out a few years ago that one of the Walton kids had been paying someone to write her term papers.

Things were a lot more loose back in the 1960 and 70s at universities. Classes were bursting at the seams with Baby Boomers. We didnā€™t even have picture IDs. Rich kids could hire people to take tests for them. Professors hardly knew any but the most verbal students in their classes held in huge auditoriums.

I doubt Trump ever attended anything at Wharton but poker gamesā€¦where he cheated and never paid his loses.


Iā€™m surprised that Trumpā€™s book ā€œArt of the Dealā€ didnā€™t only have chapter 11 in it.


This is what a guy who files for bankruptcy repeatedly believes this can be done.
This is also my argument with people who say ā€œwe need to runt the government like a business/householdā€. No understanding of what macro means.


Thatā€™s the same mistake as the one made about Trump: rich doesnā€™t equal smart.

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That guyā€™s gonna need track shoes. Get some!

Well! Only four days into ā€œPresumptive nomineeā€, and Trump is voicing schemes that would crash the world economy! Yeah, that GOP, they can really pick 'em, huh? Serious adults all of them!

I guess Sean Hannity will stay mad at me now.

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Heā€™s just using all the things heā€™s learned from filing for bankruptcy all those times! He never had to spend less, or stop going out to eat all the time! Presto! No more debt and someone else gets shaftedā€¦or however it works!

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And if he needs to, heā€™ll just file bankruptcy!
Thatā€™ll show those Chinese, who bought our bonds thinking weā€™d actually pay it back. They really believed that ā€œfull faith and credit of the United Statesā€ bs!

Trump: If bankruptcy isnā€™t an option, then why is it in the Constitution?

This is a serious example of just how unfit tramp is for public office. He doesnā€™t even grasp the fundamentals of the presidency or the roleof government. Defaulting on the dollar is what he proposed and that is un Constitutional, unAmerican, not in the interests of anyone with Social Security credits, would totally destroy Wall St and is just plain stupid. With that suggestion tramp declared himself totally unfit for the office. I canā€™t believe that the GOP actually wants him as their candidateā€¦this behavior is astounding!


There was speculation that Ted Cruz was the Zodiac Killer, yet not much talk that Trump (b. 46), not Kaczynski (b. 42) might be the Unabomber. The Unabomber Manifesto reads in some parts like a Trump stump speech:

12 Those who are most sensitive about ā€œpolitically incorrectā€ terminology are not the average black ghetto-dweller, Asian immigrant, abused woman or disabled person, but a minority of activists, many of whom do not even belong to any ā€œoppressedā€ group but come from privileged strata of society. Political correctness has its stronghold among university professors, who have secure employment with comfortable salaries, and the majority of whom are heterosexual, white males from middle-class families.

13 Many leftists have an intense identification with the problems of groups that have an image of being weak (women), defeated (American Indians), repellent (homosexuals), or otherwise inferior. The leftists themselves feel that these groups are inferior. They would never admit it to themselves that they have such feelings, but it is precisely because they do see these groups as inferior that they identify with their problems. (We do not suggest that women, Indians, etc., ARE inferior; we are only making a point about leftist psychology).

14 Feminists are desperately anxious to prove that women are as strong as capable as men. Clearly they are nagged by a fear that women may NOT be as strong and as capable as men.

The translations now begin in ernest .

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