Smart money people hate Trump. They will not let this happen. This is just one example of how this is playing . negotiating presumptive-nominee-on–treasury-payments/
Amazing, Doesn’t he realize that as President him just saying something like that could crash world financial markets?
He is also the most depraved man I have ever witnessed. I am talking about different depravities in ONE person:
- Lying
- Torture
- Willingness to destroy the fiscal integrity of the U.S. in the eyes of the world
- Racism
- Xenophobia
- Sexism
- Pedophilia
- Nuclear recklessness
- Treason (see Manafort)
- Vindictiveness
- Egotism
- Selfishness
Three more posters would each come up with twelve more ways he demonstrates that he is a monster.
Has any one told Mr Dtumpf the entire world economy hangs on the full faith and credit of the United States government? Even flirting with full faith and credit jeopardizes the planet.
Sure Donald, just take the US into Chapter 11. Easy as pie. You know, just like you’ve done with so many of your business ventures.
The man is a complete and utter idiot. In case there was ever any doubt.
The average dumbf*ck teabagger thinks that American debt is held by foreigners. So when Rump claims that he’ll just renegotiate the debt or walk away entirely, they think he’s speaking about some foreign country jacking up America for cash.
That’ll show them.
This certainly would simplify dealing with a recalcitrant congress over the debt ceiling.
It gets better.
He does realize that Federal Accounts mostly means Social Security? Right.
You can bet that Trump has done this in far more business dealings than just his bankruptcies.
Anyone with half a functioning brain should see that Trump will say anything to get the deal signed, allow all the work to be done and then come back with his new terms. The sucker is the one who believed Trump’s promise of “good faith” in the first place!
Bernie supporters, you’d better be prepared to suck it up and vote. If you don’t and this babbling loon gets in to the WH on anything other than a (severely restricted) tour, it will be on your head.
A Trump presidency just jumped from a tie for sixth to undisputed third in The Economist’s list of global threats to security.
Even Fox gets it:
Donald Trump = Male version of Sarah Palin, only worse
THIS IS NO JOKE PEOPLE! This kind of thing could bring down the economy. It makes me nervous to even think about what would happen if he was even competitive in this what the markets would do. The whole US monetary system is built on debt. If he cant grasp this he has no business anywhere near this race.
Yeah, but will we be laughing when he decides to turn the White House into Trump D.C and sell nights in the rooms to the highest bidders? At least Ivanna won’t be around to decorate it.
Party of personal responsibility on line 2.
The cannon is already bouncing around the gun deck.
There are many of us who were saying and are still saying “THIS IS NO JOKE” but like lemmings there are many who are willing to follow him off the cliff. The self same media that created this man is still manufacturing every other headline with T Rump in it. It is as though we have become a single party nation, with the media doing the electing.
Didn’t you hear Trump during the Republican debates? He never went bankrupt, he just exercises “chapters”!
That’s what he calls them “chapters”, not “bankruptcies”.
(No one with any sense contracts with Trump, a fact that has largely shut down his actual involvement in any real real estate projects - he always stiffs the people he owes money too - requiring expensive legal action to get what he contracted to pay. Trump is very proud of this in fact. The vast majority of properties bearing the “Trump” name have simply licensed the name, and he has no involvement in the them whatsoever.)