To quote Michael Bluth,
“That’s a lot of money for the worst idea I’ve ever heard.”
Or we could divert the money to maybe getting some kids reunited with their parents. Or something else useful.
But who am I kidding?! Let’s waste it! #merica
Surely this will make America great again. Won’t it? WON’T IT?
How much of that money will be going directly into the pockets of Trump, his crime family, and/or his donors/supporters?
Disgusting. I am quite sure he will tout it as the BIGGEST BEST MILITARY PARADE ever!!! And the hypocritical GOP who brought us the sequester will sit on their collective asses and not say a word.
Hmmmm…Wonder where they’re going to make the budget cuts to scrounge $50M each for this…
Also wonder how much it will really, really, really cost (betting it’s north of today’s $92M estimate).
Sounds like DoD and Homeland Security are ignoring a fundamental rule: A job not worth doing, is a job not worth doing well.
It will be way more than $90 million. The US military doesn’t get out of bed for less than $100 million.
The extra cost is for all the live ammunition. Since this takes place after the midterms Trump plans on declaring martial law during the parade.
Well, when you consider he had the business savvy to bankrupt a casino…being off a zero or two on a parade is totally understandable.
Hey! I was in the military and all it took to get me out of bed was a Drill Sargent banging trash cans in the barracks at oh-dark-thirty.
And we, the People, are doing what about this again?
I assume the VA will immediately feel some deep cuts.
What did you expect the bill to be when you’re required to put up 7,000 soldiers in Trump hotel rooms?
Maybe Mueller will tap him on his shoulder while he’s watching it.
A girl can dream…
Looking on the bright side, in the future this will make some excellent campaign ads for Democrats to use against the (lololololol) “party of fiscal conservatism”.
And it’ll be a great illustration in future children’s history textbooks of the height of folly of this absurd administration, assuming the future has children, textbooks, or history.
If only the (fingers crossed) new congress count vote away the funding for this. It is truly a slap in the face to veterans who need this funding to help them rebuild the lives they gave to the is country.
Haha. It’s a supermodel quote: “I don’t wake up in the morning for less than $10,000”.
Edited: cuz wuz rong.