Discussion: Trump's Likely Victory With GOP Tax Overhaul Overshadowed By Russia Probe

Occasional smile… His face would break. Smirk is the closest he can get to a genuine smile, and it’s always a badge of his cleverness and stab at someone lesser than his greatness.


Can’t tell the legitimate tweets from the parody tweets.


Too true.


This piece is weighted heavily to right wing talking points with very little rebuttal from the Mueller team or the fact that WaPo has had to completely rewrite their article on this story from the headline to the last period. Why did TPM choose to run this piece? As an example of what is going down in MSM or what?

I’ve started subscribing to email updates from fivethirtyeight.com, and the one I got today has several articles from over the past few days. This link is to one from 12/11, the story is lengthy, full of data and graphs and such, but it puts the Mueller investigation into its proper context. Bottom line: it can’t be shut down. Catastrophic political events would ensue if PP even tried it, and he has no political goodwill on his side to mitigate any attempt and a disapproval rate of 57.5%.



Magnificent plumage.

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The IT guys around here know how to tell. Just examine the tweet’s parody bit.


“I don’t have any reason to think that the president is going to do that, but that’s obviously up to him,” said Mnuchin.

Actually, to the best of my recollection it’s up to Rod Rosenstein. Why bother with pesky facts?

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If trump does fire Mueller there will be an epic shit storm.
One nugget that seems to have slipped thru the cracks went by during Friday’s Rachael Maddow show. The Deutsche Bank got a couple subpoenas From Mueller this past week, I believe they are in reference to trump’s activity with that bank which means Mueller is looking at money laundering out of Russia which has been massive even without trump. Mueller may also have hold of trump’s tax returns. Trump’s lawyers will be talking to Mueller’s people this week. So they may get an ear full. Apparently the law is unsettled as to whether a sitting president can be indicted. We may be on the verge of finding out if he can be indicted.


I suspect that Rosenstein would resign rather than do the firing. That’s my assessment. It would be like a reenactment of Nixon’s “Saturday night massacre”.


Can’t tell the legitimate tweets from the parody tweets.

Not sure what system you user, but on my Windows computer running the Chrome browser, you can hover your mouse pointer over the image and it should show the URL to the image at the bottom of the window. On the tweet above, it shows me that it comes from "faketrumptweet.com"


But he’s Pining for the Fjords…

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Beautiful “SNIFF”, just beautiful…

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The assumption is that passing the tax bill is good for the mighty. Maybe. When wealth transfers to the rich are explicit and a lot of people suffer, I predict more ungovernability.

Damn right, gromilini!! AMBER ALERT: MAGAnauts (borrowed), who can’t identify, or are too ashamed to admit betrayal, scream fake news at the MSM. You can place this squarely on the flabby shoulders of BLOTUS, and Orange Furher alone!

Sooo hoping this is accurate.

I am not an attorney, nor a federal investigator, but I always felt that this would be one of Mueller’s first moves, getting tax filings. I have also petitioned this forum on the very question you pose - ‘can a sitting President be indicted?’

As an ordinary tax paying citizen, I find it incomprehensible that a public official could be shielded from criminal activity. Regardless of title, stature, etc.

Our founding fathers were smarter than this; not only would they have set measures against such conduct, they were emphatic that ‘no one is above the law’.

Rants from a plebeian patriot. “resist, remove

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This to me, explains the sudden capitulation by the GOP, protecting §resident at all costs. Sure, some of it can be explained away by ‘legislative agenda’ and political expediency, BUT racist elf, Roherbacher, Nunes, Pence, etc. are most likely linked to the ‘$$ laundering - illegal foreign campaign donations’(if not cover-up), in one way or another…although I don’t think Graham is complicit here, I am still scratching my head as to why he turned, and so quickly…?

Wonders what a couple rounds of golf can do…

The reason Trump’s being overshadowed by Mueller is Trump is doing everything he can to make that be. If Mueller is on a with hunt or driven by partisan motives Trump’s best move would be to do nothing. Stop bitching…stop crying…stop blaming. If there’s nothing there ignore it and go about your biz. Methinks Trump does protest too much.

Mueller runs a very tight ship. I’ll bet that frustrates the shit out of Trump. Making things worse no one in the Trump clan has a clear perception of what the other was up to doing the campaign. From what we do know Mueller is not looking for collusion so much as conspiracy. Hacking the DNC server is a crime. If anyone in the Trump campaign aided or abetted that, even after the fact, they committed crimes. Trump benefited from Russia’s crimes so he probably can’t see it like Mueller sees it. A serious attack on our democracy and the right to self determination. Trump’s attorneys seem to be a bunch of doofuses that can’t see that either. This isn’t just a political scandal as FOX and Trump want people to think. What Russia did was a cyber Pearl Harbor and no way Mueller lets that get swept under the carpet.

Yes indeed, lots of parallels. Sadly, we have no Sam Ervin in the Senate. I’m still putting my money on Mueller to win.

I emphatically agree. I don’t think a GOPer would want Obama to be above the law (I heard that rant). NO ONE should be above the law.

Again I agree.


We need to remember that Mueller is a republican in his personal politics. That he was appointed by Rosenstein who in turn was appointed y trump. Also the GOP hold all the levers of power in DC Who then can they say this is a democrat witch hunt? Or that it’s an orchestrated FBI coup? Trump whines incessantly about the MSM being opinionated. A short few minutes listening to the hair on fire rants from Hannity and other Fox news readers should convince any sentient being that Fox News is seriously off the reservation in their right wing slant. And trump is not willing to call them opinionated. Because they fawn on him.

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