Discussion: Trump's Latest Obamacare Attack Triggers Rate Hikes, Lawsuits, Confusion

That is a great line: crapped in the pool. I immediately thought about Bill Murray in Caddyshack.

Him eating the tootsie roll after he cleaned out the pool…boy that movie is priceless. Maybe I’ll watch it again tonight

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As Senator Franken says, “Democrats suck at messaging.” They screwed up royally during the rollout of the ACA and still have not succeeded in explaining how it works to people–that is, the 3-legged stool. Can I hope that this is one last chance for the Ds to explain what rump has done and why this will all be HIS FAULT?

M-A-R-0-0-N, right?

Like Em, Ehh, Arr, Zero, Zero, En?

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That picture…Hieronymus Bosch worked his whole life trying to portray exactly that.

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We were told not to take him literally.

We were told to take him seriously.

Seriously, isn’t it time we took him peacefully?

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From what I gather about NAFTA is that we are on the fourth round of negotiations and nothing is happening just because the Trump trade officials are demanding more than anybody can give. Josh said it right: DJT lives in a world in which HE must win and YOU must lose.

I think McCain and Corker are right, but I also don’t think they have much ‘juice’ in the caucus. Trump is the new shiny thing. What do John and Bob have going for them other than reason? I mean all this trouble about the Iran Accord is because DJT won’t ‘certify’ (I believe the idea is that he would leave it alone if he did not have to certify the damn thing every 90 days – and what was Corker THINKING to put something like that in the agreement?) so it’s all a matter is ‘his’ personal comfort.


Agree, and that’s also something some advocates of single payer don’t recognize. It’s not just about who pays for health care; the ACA also includes protections for patients.

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“Triggers Rate Hikes, Lawsuits, Confusion”
…brings Trump to a climax … followed by a substantial nap!

In his Prime piece today, David Kurtz could see no upside for Trump in this. I think the upside is that, in his mind and in the minds of Hannity, Limbaugh et.al., this allows Trump to say that he has single-handedly destroyed Obamacare. This, to him and others outside of the reality-based community, is virtue personified. Whether he will lose the support of those injured by his decision remains to be seen. Personally, I suspect that it will be like 19th century Russian peasants saying “If only the Czar knew how we we suffering” while it was the Czar who was causing the suffering.


Can we change the locks, while he is away ?


It was a fig leaf put in by Corker to uphold the pretense of Congressional oversight on the scary dangerous Mooslem president and to show that they care about national security.

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Trump’s sabotage, in addition to raising insurance rates for some and forcing them to forgo insurance, is said to add $100-200 billion to the deficit at a time when he is pushing deficit raising tax cuts.


I agree that hard-core Republicans should not be counted on to vote for a Democrat, even in Trump World. And I agree that swing voters are largely a myth in that they almost always align with one party or the other. What I do hope is that both Republicans and right-leaning Indies will not bother to vote at all, much like the “I’m disappointed because Obama didn’t get me a pony” Dems did in 2010.

It’s hard to imagine that there is still a huge number of voters who are excited to see what’s happening in DC regardless or inspite of their blind dedication to Tramp and/or the GOP.


But this isn’t about money. It’s about what Republicans and these phony “conservatives” do best.
Destroy, Teardown, and Terrify.
And for these contemptible swine, it’s even better and more titillating if their victims can’t fight back.
In their demented minds, no price ought to be placed on such Ecstatic pleasure.

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But he said it would be better and it wouldn’t cost the government anything!

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They did until Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a law banning coverage for injury incurred from the executive branch. ALEC quickly took it up as model legislation and pushed it out to all the other Republican-controlled states.

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I see what you did there.

Or their. Or they’re.

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Thanks for the link, that’s a good piece of writing, the guy knows what he’s talking about. Too bad he’s not in Congress! Or is that oxy-moronic.

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“Because Trump ordered the payments to cease immediately and the rate hikes don’t go into effect until 2018, insurance companies have to eat the loss of tens of millions of dollars between now and the end of December.”

Awwww those poor insurance companies. My heart bleeds.

When was it that Dems became the party of big insurance companies? Oh, that’s right - when they passed the “affordable” care act.

You forget that Hillary is still way less popular than trump. Based on the metric you’re citing, he’d beat her again tomorrow.

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