Discussion for article #243757
Jeez, did Trump dictate that letter himself? Can’t believe any self-respecting doctor would write that crap.
Trump’s Doctor: I know this because I have seen the health record of all presidents. Given his temperament and excellent health, Trump will outlive all of us.
I wanted to write this but you beat me to it.
Worth noticing that the email of the doctor is also visible.
I’d like a second opinion please.
Trump: Why would you doubt it? I pay him enough to ensure my health is what I want it to be.
This is SO HUGE, … it didn’t mention his mental state.
OK, one look at Obama body surfing and one look at Trump doing anything … and run that lie by me one more time. Of course he’s only talking physical health … mental health, now that’s something completely different.
So, his doctor is an asshole too. Who could’ve imagined ?
Hog. Wash. Horse. Shit. Bull. Pucky.
The state medical licensing board better have a look at this venal fool.
“If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency. His colonoscopy was done with a gold-plated probe outfitted with mahogany paneling, very classy. And for all you ladies out there, I have one word: Yoooooge."
Furthermore, in re: “I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency”, I can only offer this up as proof of the doctor’s complete willing cooperation:
PUH-LEEZ. 10 minutes one-on-one with Obama and Trump would be wheezing so hard you wouldn’t even believe it. TREMENDOUS sweating and panting. Really tremendous.
Clearly, this doctor engaged in zero mental health evaluation.
See the bottom of the letter, under Dr. Bornstein’s signature, where it says “Gastroenterology”?
He’s (literally) a proctologist.
Just sayin’…
Have you noticed how everyone who works for Trump sounds like the kind of worshipful fulsome sycophants one normally associates with unstable sociopathic dictators like Idi Amin or Stalin when they talk about him? Constantly spewing superlatives and praise.
Hah. Sounds like tRump’s doctor is channelling The Donald, or The Donald wrote his own press release pretending to be the doctor.
I’d pay good money to see that orangey fuckwad play a simple game of H-O-R-S-E on the basketball court with President Obama or do 100 pushups next to Michelle.