Discussion: Trump's Doctor Says He's 'In Very Good Health'

I read that he takes blood pressure meds.


Itā€™s interesting that the doc didnā€™t release any details. I seem to recall previous prexiesā€™ physicals providing some specificsā€¦


So, the fact that he has the bloated body of an adult manatee, along with a bloated orange face with puffy white pillows beneath each eye, indicative of water retention, which spells heart issues, these are the emblems of good health?


LOL. It is so easy to picture.

I canā€™t believe after 44 posts, nobody has posted Dr. Vinny Boombatzā€¦


So they had 11 different specialists, each of whom did some tiny part of the examination, each of whom is forbidden to discuss their particular findings with someone else? No sedation or anesthesia means no internal exam (remember reagan) and no biopsies. Possibly even no blood draws, depending on how squeamish trump is.

And I gotta say no on the DO. Yes, they can be reasonably qualified. For someone like a president you would like an internist. Possibly an old-line cardiologist or rheumatologist. For this president youā€™d like an emergency medicine specialist with a sideline in abnormal psych, but thatā€™s probably asking too much.


I note two things strange about this preliminary report.

  1. Dr Ronnie is still, according to the pentagon, attached to the white house physicians office even though he is not in charge and yet he did not do the exam.

  2. This letter was completely lacking in superlatives.


Eleven board certified specialists? Now they believe in experts? I would have expected him to get the nearest Jiffy Lube guy to give him the once over. His base expects no less.


DOs are educated and tested like MDs, and thatā€™s why they are licensed to practice medicine, just like MDs.

We had a DO for our primary care physician for more than a decade. She knew her shit.

(She told me she didnā€™t do the manipulation that she had been given (extra) training for in her medical school because the special table and other tools were extremely expensive and frankly not the kind of treatments she had the most faith in.)


I bet he complains of ill health constantly like Manafort while he goes thru his many trials

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No, sorry, the Topol quote was from last years exam (which should be the same or worse this year).
Should have clearly said that. Apologies.

There is something to be said for that. As I get older (in my mid 60ā€™s now) and see people my age and younger die off, itā€™s very tempting to say that just being able to walk to the mailbox means Iā€™m in excellent health. I do think the thumb is on the scales with this report though.


That all assumes one actually cares about his health.


My wife likes Chiropractors, but I think it works like a placebo I went to one and determined they are quacks . Yanked and pulled and put me in a vibrator chair.
$35 dollar co pay please


I think thereā€™s something to be said about the appearance of good health. People who are healthy actually look healthy. They are of a decent weight and donā€™t have metabolic syndrome body. They have good skin color. They arenā€™t bloated looking, etc. 45 does not look healthy. I donā€™t care what his quack doctors say.


His hue implies essential oils.

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Weā€™ll all read into this what we want, of course. To me, the terse nature of the ā€œreportā€ and the lack of any objective or quantifiable data means the doctor knew it was a farce, and knows we know itā€™s a farce, and everybody just recognizes that these are the hoops which must be jumped.

Certainly itā€™s not something which any but the most clueless dotard would wave around as a strong (or big!) positive statement. Itā€™s pro forma and ultimately meaningless, except insofar as meaning could have been offered (or claimed), but was not.

Your mileage may vary.


My ophthalmologist is a D.O. No woo, just plain old cataract surgery. I have run into them in a couple of other specialties as well, and wondered why on earth they bothered to seek out ā€œalternativeā€ training when they were clearly practicing conventional medicine.
I have always considered chiropractors to be frauds, but it has been effective for my dog. Go figure. Iā€™m guessing that the theory is total bullshit, but the manipulation is helpful. It is possible to achieve results if you do the right thing for the wrong reason.


Iā€™d want to see the results of a simple cardiac stress test. I bet heā€™d collapse at a moderate walk.