Donald Trump is giving little indication in his latest budget proposal of any new policy ambitions for the coming two, or six, years.
And people think I’m a pessimist.
I think Trump’s budget is a game changer that will put Congressional Repubs in a huge bind. Though Trump campaigned as the “only Republican who says he will never cut Medicare,” the budget calls for cuts to Medicare to the tune of 3/4 of a trillion dollars, $850 T, over the next decade.
Repubs took a drubbing in the mid-terms because of their determination to undermine health care. A chunk of the Repub base is the 65 and over set, and they vote at very high numbers. If the Dems can handle the message (always a huge “if”), this can be a hurdle Trump and his party will be unable to overcome. The “campaign talking points” belong to the Dems on this one.
I’d say his budget is chock full of policy ambitions.
Cut Medicare, cut Medicaid, cut Social Security, cut education spending (especially for public schools, at-risk, low-income under-served kids, while increasing funding for private schools through tax credits), make tax cuts for the rich and corporations permanent, increase military spending when that’s unnecessary, …
I guess the AP must have missed those parts while searching for “positive” things in Trump’s budget.
I saw a comment yesterday that suggested that Pelosi put the budget on the floor as Trump
proposed it to force the GOP to take a stand. She should at least threaten McCarthy with it.
Hey other than the wall and military he’s done everything he promised, and they actually started doing a lot on the wall and military. All they lack is finishing up. He got busy and did everything else. He said he would, he’s an awesome business person, and he did it.
Trump’s light policy load is also a function of his increasingly strained relationship with Congress. Under divided control, the White House views it as unlikely that any new proposals can win legislative approval — and plan to be judicious about sending anything to Capitol Hill only to see it defeated.
Yep because Trump doesn’t know how to win, 'fraidy cat.
A good point. Donald claimed there’s a national emergency and has done nothing about it other than declaring it in a month.
" Trump is contending with middling approval ratings, energized Democrats and political vulnerabilities in critical states. "
Oh (AP) you have really outdone yourselves. Unmentioned: Why his approving ratings are middling. His court of jesters and criminals that has won the contempt of the nation. His open taking of bribes and breaking all precedents set for decency.
And the tiny little matter of his …well, if (AP) covered it, might be phrased as
“Beholden to the Russian president and fulfilling certain obligations in the matter of foreign policy decisions.” just like all the regular, normal presidents have done.
" largely focuses on deep spending cuts and pushing more money toward established goals such as his long-promised wall, improving care of veterans and combating opioid abuse."
hey, they glossed over it - you are just missing the hard-hitting AP reportorial style!
If he doesn’t get his wall funding and his cuts to every social program, he’d like another government shutdown. The last one went so well…