Tittybaby is on the toilet again.
Um, because there weren’t any Clinton “crimes”?
Ummmmm… he’s your boy, maybe ask him yourself?
Come on, mr “president.” He doesn’t just enact your every whim and half-considered idea like it’s some golden word out of a diety’s mouth. He’s not “Fox and Friends.”
Sessions: President ought to know that my middle name is Beauregard, not ‘Beleaguered’.
Good grief. Did doctors remove McCain’s brain tumor and shove it in Trump’s head?
2:49PM ?
You need a check-up, Dim Dad !
Does this mean, that Dim Dad and Sessions aren’t on speaking terms ?
So who does Trump to replace Sessions with? He must have someone in mind to put the fix in on this whole Russian investigation.
Who is it?
Wasn’t Ty Cobb supposed to be vetting these tweets?
Why is the president trying to influence who the AG investigates?
Besides, Sessions had better mind his p’s and q’s. He’s treading on very thin ice as it is.
“So why aren’t the Committees and investigators, and of course our beleaguered A.G., looking into Crooked Hillarys crimes & Russia relations?”
Remember, Mr. President? You assigned that to Grassley. He’s going to give it a shot, but you know …
The most shocking aspect of Trump’s Presidency is the failure of nearly everyone to call him out for the obviously inept, psychologically flawed person he is. I realize he’s the President, and the office if nothing else merits the respect and protection of both parties. I guess it’s expecting too much to have pols from both parties pronounce him unfit and assert something needs done about it. But it’s jarring to witness educated, sentient people observe all this and stay mostly mum. It would be like visiting a home and discovering a crazy, deluded uncle was there that thought it was 1492 and he was Christopher Columbus. Only then to discover everyone in the house talked to him about how preparations for the voyage were going. Meanwhile you’re screaming to yourself in your head “He’s not fricking Christopher Columbus, people, get him some help!!”
Trump is essentially acknowledging that he has committed crimes. What an idiot.
Indeed. Why is beleaguered Donald Trump still President?
Why Isn’t ‘Beleaguered’ Jeff Sessions Looking Into Clinton ‘Crimes’?
Beleaguered? Wonder who gave Trump that word. But OK, let’s answer his question. PARDON ME, Mr. President, but we had an election. Hillary is not president (unfortunately), so she’s not the issue. But I do recall you telling America that no one knows the system better than you and that only you can fix it. So fix it. Resign.
Well, basically, because since he perjured himself before Congress, nobody believes anything he says.