Discussion: Trump When Asked If His Foundation Follows Charity Laws: 'I Hope So'


“I hope so.”

That there is some fine Presidential timber.

So, is everyone ready for the debate? I am, but listening to Trump for 45ish minutes will require all throwable objects to be removed from the room.


“I mean, I got nothing to do with it, except for when I take some money out.”


Statement # 328 as to why The Donald is completely unfit to be President…


“We give away money, I don’t make anything, I take no salaries, I take no—any costs, I have zero costs, and a lot of money goes through the Trump Foundation into charities — goes to charities, it doesn’t go to me, it goes to charities,” he said.

Need to check the tires after that turn.


Donnie’s New White House.


“We give away money, I don’t make anything, I take no salaries, I take no—any costs, I have zero costs, and a lot of money goes through the Trump Foundation into charities — goes to charities, it doesn’t go to me, it goes to charities,” he said.

He most assuredly does make something off the Trump Foundation. He agreed to settle lawsuits by donating his money to local charities, and then spent the Foundations money instead.

The Trump Foundation money is not his money, so he profited whatever amount the Foundation paid out that should have come from his pocket.

You can view his saved money as profit, or you can view the Foundation money spent as stolen. There are few other ways to look at it.


You havent contributed one dime of your own money in 8 years
Is that true Mr. Dump?



Needs more cowbell…and a sequel.


‘I hope so’…otherwise it’s not my fault!!!


That was worse word salad than usual. He was struggling bad on that one.


“We give away money, I don’t make anything, I take no salaries, I take no—any costs, I have zero costs, and a lot of money goes through the Trump Foundation into charities — goes to charities, it doesn’t go to me, it goes to charities,” he said.

There are three proven lies in that one statement.

Trump has given $0.00 since 2008. And not much in the years ahead of that. And according to one employee of the Foundation, he griped about the tiny donations he made in those preceding years…specifically that he didn’t see any return on those donations.

He paid a fine to the IRS for his bribe to Bondi. And probably will end up paying more fines and the self serving aspects continue to unwind. But…at the very least…that one fine is indeed a cost.

I most certainly goes to him. $12,000 for sports memorabilia, $20,000 for one portrait, $10,000 for another…to adorn one of his clubs (so entirely for self promotion of his businesses). He has paid out over $250,000 specifically to settle lawsuits. None of that is charity, and all of that is self serving…going entirely to him.

Of course, its the sorry excuse for a human being Attkisson conducting the interview, so of course she isn’t going to push back. Hell, the entire intent of asking the question was so Trump could issue this denial and they can claim “We finished that”

EDIT: But this is how the Gish Gallop works. He spews out three lies in one statement. If someone did try and catch him on any one of those, he will respond by spewing out even more lies in those statements, while refusing to admit or probably even address the first “pin down”. Someone could literally spend 45 minutes in this interview trying to just pin him down to just one of these 3 lies and by the end, he will refuse to acknowledge the lie and will have spewed out several hundred more lies.

The only ways to avoid that is by forcefully shutting him down. Cut him off, quite literally turning off his mike,until he addresses each pin down…Or, start the interview off with your own Gallop. Assert as fact each of the points I made (because they are) and run through a half dozen examples of his lying. Give him the chance to respond to just one of your assertions, then talk over him and run through another half a dozen. Repeat until he blows his top.


This is the way he talks when he knows he has a problem. For this kind of self-dealing they can fine you the entire amount of the fund, essentially ending it. And Steve said the other day there’s a variety of charges that could flow from this. The whole thing is as crooked as a dog’s hind leg. And there’s plenty of time before 11/8 for it to blow up. And that will be reflected in my nightly prayers, believe me.


Cheeto Donnie replies with the standard CEO excuse… I’m Busy and I don’t know everything that happens below me… I have managers I trust (meaning: take the blame) to run things and if they don’t tell me things it’s their fault…

lately used by VW… Wells Fargo…

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I genuinely want to be optimistic, but why the hell hasn’t the Clinton campaign gone all in on this? There should have been battleground and national ads on it within a day, and Hillary and surrogates hammering full bore every day since.

At times it really does feel like a campaign on autopilot, unaware of anything except the pre-programmed plan already in motion.

And that is why I fear it is slipping away and they don’t even see it, too busy executing the checklist.

Stop. Pay Attention. Then Act. Hillary will not win by coasting, and competence is not enough, as has been proven throughout this cycle.

I will gladly withdraw this tomorrow, but at this point I just don’t see the aggressiveness necessary to win this. And that scares me.

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someone over on kos recommended rolling up a supply of sock balls and have them handy to throw…


“I have zero costs”

WTF? How could that even be remotely true unless it’s just an empty shell? If you have no costs, you have no employees, no professional fees being incurred, no rent, no nothing…no infrastructure whatsoever is a sign that a corporation’s “corporate veil” could be pierced, i.e., used as nothing but a straw man, a alter ego of the individual on nothing but paper and an attempt to deflect liability for activities that are in fact just activities and actions of the individual, not a separate entity.

“goes to charities, it doesn’t go to me, it goes to charities,”

Just more deflection. “Oh, but I don’t actually get any money directly from the organization” is NOT the point. He’s not supposed to be receiving any personal benefit at all, even indirectly, or it is self-dealing. To the extent he does, EVEN IF IT IS INDIRECT, he would have to report it. I’m not a tax lawyer, but I’m pretty damn sure that if, e.g., he owes Palm Springs $120K and they agree to erase his debt in exchange for his charity giving $120K to a charitable cause, THEN HE HAS RECEIVED $120K IN INCOME AND MUST REPORT IT CORRECTLY ON HIS (or the organization’s) RETURNS. Guess what’s not on his returns. Guess.


“I genuinely want to be optimistic, but why the hell hasn’t the Clinton campaign gone all in on this? There should have been battleground and national ads on it within a day, and Hillary and surrogates hammering full bore every day since.”

Some people think nobody will care if Dem surrogates go after Trump, and that it’s enough to rely on the media. I couldn’t disagree more with that view myself.


I’m going to make some assumptions here:
Did HO sign any yearly documents pertaining to the Trump Foundation?
Who signed the checks for disbursements from the Trump Foundation?
Who is the legal advisor for the Trump Foundation?
If any of the questions were DJT then he was involved. If he still claims that he is not involved then of course he is lying and/or being duped, and we all know that no one can get anything over on Trump.
“Ignorantia juris non excusat or ignorantia legis neminem excusat (Latin for “ignorance of the law excuses not” and “ignorance of law excuses no one” respectively) is a legal principle holding that a person who is unaware of a law may not escape liability for violating that law merely because he or she was unaware of …”


“I hope so” would not stand up in a court of law. Imagine putting him up on the stand, he would dissemble and try to talk his way out of it.