I hope you’re right. However, it doesn’t seem like he’s going to do much heavy lifting and will be leaving all the hard work to Pence.
I’ve seen similar reporting. However, in the interviews I’ve seen the white proles were fully aware they had ACA policies. When confronted with the very real possibility of losing it they almost universally say “Yeah, I knew Trump promised to repeal the program, but I didn’t think he meant it. I mean, he wouldn’t just take away people’s insurance without replacing it with something better, right?”
Unfortunately all the fish in the tank get to swim in the same water the GOP is primed to dump a quart of bleach into.
Is Trump trying to triangulate?
Stabbing Congressional Republicans in the back twice in 2 days?
But But…
Harold Bornstein stated unequivocally” that Donald Trump “will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.”
Now who am I to believe???
Absolutely! I think when some of that sort of stuff gets to his desk (and I still shudder and feel the bile rise when I think of him in the Oval Office), he may not sign if he thinks it’ll make him (even more) unpopular.
Probably for the very first time in his life, he is going to have to own his actions.
It may kill him.
Where’s your evidence?
Hey, let’s not forget that Bornstein was examining him from the butthole…
If it will fall under it’s own weight, we don’t need to do anything. But, it’s been 6 years and it hasn’t fallen. And we’ve been calling it a disaster that harms millions of Americans and promising to repeal, so we have to repeal. But, repeal will leave tens of millions without insurance and will get rid of popular coverage and regulations on insurance companies. So, we can repeal, but not really repeal, and not make the repeal effective until we have a super-great replacement, which we never will. And this is all the Democrats’ fault for doing something good for people that we just had to demonize because Obama. And let’s just lie about it all.
I guess it’s good that I can still be shocked by the (now in a new lighter shade!) Orange Shitgibbon’s tweets. And shocked anew I was by how much the tweets in this article sound like they’re from a right wing pundit instead of a president… Shocked anew despite the fact that it goes that way every time he opens his twitter app (or his anus-pucker mouth).
Schumer is putting out a slogan today - Make America Sick Again.
This is what Not Winning feels like, Your Excremency. Get used to it.
What exactly is Trump suggesting? That Congress do nothing in the expectation/hope that the ACA fails on its own? Or is he suggesting some other policy? As is usually the case with Trump, this is incoherant, not thought out at all.
Also, typically for Trump, he’s doing his thinking (or what passes for thinking) out loud on Twitter. So clearly he’s more concerned with the optics and politics of any legislation that with actually trying to either fix the ACA or replace it with a better system. Someone should tell him that it might be better for him to learn how to communicate this sort of message in private, rather than in front of millions of people. What an ass.
I think it’s lack of time for grooming. I don’t know what his usual routine is, but besides coloring, planting, weeding and triple combover-ing the hair, he usually does something to his skin. There’s the orange tanning cream, and I think he peels or something. Right now he looks like the unhealthy 70 year old he is—but not worse than usual, IMO.
Does this imbecile plan to run his entire Administration via “tweet”? And he’s not even officially President until January 20…I’m praying for a meteor strike on Trump Tower, or at very least, a propitious heart attack/stroke.
True, but I think there will be conflicts. The moment he thinks Pence is getting more attention than he is because Pence is running things, he’ll turn on Pence on a dime and try to (politicially) kill him. Although then the Goopers may turn on him (Trump).
But, Pence doing the heavy lifting or not, ultimately, he will have to sign things like legislation, which Pence cannot do for him, and then he will be the one who gets blamed for everything… Right now, he still thinks he can run the country like his rallies, but he may just be waking up to reality. That may be why ol’ Kellyanne is a bit more careful with her comments on the ACA – it may be finally dawning on him that things are going to go wrong for him very quickly.
Sadly, you’re probably right, despite the fact that repeal appears to be unpopular even among at least some of those who voted for trump. Here is an issue even a red-state Dem could win on, yet those same red-state Dems are likely to be the collaborators (and I use that in the sense of “working with the enemy”) on this.
What a vindictive DB. The “failure” will be in the GOPs repeal and replacement of ACA not the 6 year history of ACA. And then when the tax cuts and deregulation arent paying for them selves like the gop has promised since raygun? then theyll claim a budget crisis and demand that they have to dismantling the core programs of the safety net…
But that’s exactly what they will say. “The system was crashing. The problems you see now are a relic of the collapse of Obamacare”.
I guess I’m seeing what I want to see.
Strategizing by bull horn. I especially like the phrase “Schumer clowns”…good luck with your “infrastructure” tax credit bonanza for developers, Donnie.