Discussion: Trump Warns GOP To Make Sure Dems 'Own' Obamacare Failure: 'Be Careful!'


Democrats need to fight this and fight this hard. They need to find people who were saved by having ObamaCare.

Find a couple dozen children who got insurance on their parents at 25, and then got really sick or hurt and were able to get help.

Find a cancer victim who couldnā€™t get insurance, but is in remission now because of ObamaCare.

There are 30 million more people with health insurance thanks to ObamaCare, and it canā€™t be that hard to find a half dozen or so who benefited greatly in every Congressional District.


If they want to blame Obamacare failure on Democrats, as Trump says it will it will fail under its own weight, why do anything? Leave it alone to fail under its own weight.


Donald Trump issuing warnings to be careful?

We are now one step closer to having seen everything.


The moment a single Democrat votes with Republicans on any bill to scuttle the ACA the entire effort at sabotage becomes ā€œbipartisanā€. Itā€™ll be used in TV ads and news interviews to paint the effort at ā€œreformā€ or ā€œreplaceā€ as something both Democrats and Republicans want. Unfortunately I donā€™t think recruiting one or more Democrat defections will be a major challenge for the GOP.


Is that a current picture of Trump? Terrifyingā€“he looks like heā€™s halfway between Jack Napier and The Joker.
This is the first time Iā€™ve really gauged how heā€™s physically deteriorating in real time.


Donald seems to forget innocent people are intertwined with the self-centered politicsā€¦


Heā€™s not warning the Goopers, heā€™s afraid that itā€™ll ultimately come back to bite him, because heā€™ll captain of the ship when the Goopers start making cuts that are unpopular and when millions start losing coverage and benefits in one form or another.

Because the Goopers will have to make cuts. And when they do, he has to sign the result.

Then he, and he alone, will be to blame, because the buck stops in the Oval Office on this. Thereā€™s nobody to pass off to.


Thatā€™s cool Donaldā€¦and weā€™ll make sure youā€™ll OWN 50 million people without healthcare when you do your bogus ā€˜Repealā€¦and pretend to replaceā€™ while doing your dance of waiting waiting waiting to actually DO anything. We got you Trump.


I donā€™t know how the Republicans will manage to fuck up Obamacare and pin it on the Democrats. Theyā€™re in charge now. ā€œImagine how bad it couldā€™ve been had we not fucked it up. It would be much worse!ā€


Dems should be sure when making such pitches their examples arenā€™t black or readily identifiable as some sort of skeevy foreign looking ancestry. Those people donā€™t count. Just show a picture of JonBenĆ©t Ramsey and tell the viewers she has brain cancer and no insurance. The public is a sucker for a pretty blonde waif in distress. Hell, Iā€™ve married three of them!


Iā€™m seeing article after article quoting working class white people who voted for Trump or didnā€™t vote at all and are totally dependent on the ACA and had no idea until the reporter told them. Obama and the Dems completely fucked up by not selling the benefits and letting people know what theyā€™re getting, but I bet theyā€™ll notice when itā€™s gone, and theyā€™ll know who took it away, and itā€™ll be awfully hard to pin that on Democrats when they hold exactly no power. Good luck with that, Donny boy.


I donā€™t think so. In the last recent photos he appears to be letting his weird orange hair fade out to more of asilver, and he doesnā€™t appear to be keeping up with his tanning studio appointments, so he looks more like he crawled out from under a rock rather than a cheeto.

But, yes, in those recent photos, his face is puffier and the bags under his eyes are starting to look like steamer trunksā€¦

He may not make it too long into his term because of health issues.


ā€œthe Dems own the failed ObamaCare disaster,ā€

Well I think a ā€œfailed disasterā€ is equivalent to a success. So, yes, the Dems happily own it. Trump and Republicans will own what follows if they manage to kill it.


Um, Polygamy is against the law you know.


Thatā€™ll be an Oā€™Reilly headline in a couple of yearsā€¦


Itā€™s going to be an interesting 4 years of schadenfreude. The only people getting screwed worse by a Donald Trump Presidency thanā€¦ well, everyoneā€¦ is the Republicans in Congress. Have fun with a party ā€œleaderā€ who lives for 1) doing nothing, 2) taking credit for everything that goes right, and 3) saying ā€œI told you soā€ about everything that goes wrongā€¦

You get to attempt your already wrong-headed governing strategy with an incredibly loud, uncouth elephant strapped to your back, in a country that was already so furious about the way things were going, they elected you, not knowing youā€™re the people they were furious atā€¦


Those people dying in the street.
Those people cramming the emergency rooms ā€¦
Not Us ā€¦so sayeth the Republicans
Nothing to see here , move along.

Next up
All You greedy SS and Medicare ā€œTakersā€
The country will be safe for millionaires and billionaires again


Others have always ended up owning Trumpā€™s business failures. He is now deflecting ownership of the disastrous consequences of the campaign promises with which he duped his voters. He may not turn out to be the eager rubber-stamper the GOP expected.


Before continuously letting The Puppet drive the conversation with his illiterate tweets I am hoping the media-at-large take a strategic step back and assess the most constructive way to manage him. Every web site I used to visit seems to be like the dog who spots the squirrel when The Puppet throws out 140 characters. Enough already. Why not place more emphasis on whatā€™s going on in Washington until he answers some questions. Go ahead and devote a section to promote his idiocy but I think itā€™s time the media reverse or slow the dynamic of being dominated by him.