Discussion: Trump: Until Obama Says 'Radical Islamic Terrorism' 'The Problem Will Not Be Solved!'

Dang, you beat me to it:


ummm… that would be a chew toy for my dogs…

on a more serious note…

homophobic misogynistic racist evangelical asshole doesn’t seem to make any of the Republican ‘presidential’ aspirants seem to go away so how does that work again?

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Can someone please guarantee me that Hillary will beat this clown?



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This is what he said in full in Beaumont TX. Clearly he wants a civilized world capital to become an American city.

“When you look at Paris — you know the toughest gun laws in the world, Paris — nobody had guns but the bad guys. Nobody had guns. Nobody,” Trump said at a rally here. “They were just shooting them one by one and then they (security forces) broke in and had a big shootout and ultimately killed the terrorists.”

“You can say what you want, but if they had guns, if our people had guns, if they were allowed to carry –” Trump said, pausing as the crowd erupted into raucous applause, “– it would’ve been a much, much different situation.”

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Oh, so true, Mr. Trump – there would have been about five hundred people killed and eight hundred maimed. Feel better now?


Huh. Obama won’t verbally conflate terrorism and Islam the way the wingnuts demand and yet, somehow, bin Laden remains dead.


There are more guns in the hands of private individuals here in America than there are Americans. Open carry is the law here in many places already. trump is talking bellicose nonsense again. And it comes out of his yap as word salad as well.


Happy to do that. Here’s one measure, likelihood of getting their party’s nomination HRC 91% and tRump 19% (Rube at 48%)

From PredictWise a betting site, chance of winning the election…

Hillary Clinton DEM 58 % 91 % $0.524

Marco Rubio GOP 18 % 48 % $0.179


Asshole speaks… just saying the words according to The Dumpster and magically everything is A-OK…

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Will somebody tell that clown that more people die every two days from gun violence in the United States than died in the horrible attack in the Paris Friday night.

Every two days. Year in, year out.


While the question in the debate was dumb, the candidates, and Hillary in particular, could have handled it better. Really the best response was from Bernie, who said “I don’t think the term is what’s important.”

In fairness to Hillary, the original question was directed to her, and the moderator pressed her on this more than he did Sanders or O’Malley. But if she had to explain, I think the better answer for Hillary to have given would have been something along the lines of “The reason I prefer the term ‘jihadi terrorists’ is that it more clearly states where the threat is, and who we have to fight. People can have radical religious beliefs, but most people with radical religious beliefs do not crash planes into buildings or launch attacks like we saw in Paris – so the real issue is those who engage in violence and terrorism in order impose those beliefs on others. In other words, actual jihadi terrorists like Al Qaeda and ISIS.”

Hillary also struggled with her response to the “gotcha” question about her previously saying that we should try to “understand,” and even “respect” our enemies. I thought her answer, while plenty reasonable, came off as kind of rambling and defensive, whereas she should have just said “By ‘respect’ I simply meant don’t underestimate them, and the point of trying to ‘understand’ them is obviously not to excuse them, but to be better equipped to find their weaknesses and defeat them.”

[Edit: Yeah, I know, 20/20 hindsight, Monday Morning quarterbacking, armchair generaling…pick your metaphor, they’re all true.]


While just about every one of these azzwipes ran away as fast as they could when it was their turn to serve… Just how many deferments did Trumpeter have?


Mrs. Trump the Third and First Daughter say they have given up on telling him anything. He prefers to remain in a fact-free world informed only by his asshatedness though he does claim to learn stuff from Meet The Press.


Still, excellent points, though.


I’m not so worried about what the clown car on the other side thinks or acts.

What really worries me is that most of the beltway media believes the same thing. John Dickerson, head of political news for CBS, Chris Cilizza, in charge of Washington Post campaign coverage, Jake Tapper, the dumbasses at ABC news, they all repeat this same “radical islamic” bullshit. "Whyohwhy won’t the Democrats just say it! SAY IT!!!" And let us not forget Chuckie Todd declaring that this is the “strongest” Republican field in a generation.

They are all embedded with the GOP. That’s what worries me.


Each candidate was prone to a little over-the-topness and inaccuracy.

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because I have a ‘do i start Joe Flacco?’ issue #firstworldproblems

From Media Matters

In Three-Day Summit, White House Urges Nations To Join Fight Against Violent Extremism. The White House hosted a three-day summit this week aimed at combating violent extremism and “the ideology of the Islamic State and other groups making increasingly sophisticated appeals to young people around the world,” as The New York Times reported. Obama “called on Americans and more than 60 nations … to join the fight against violent extremism” promoted by terrorist groups such as the Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL). Obama made clear, “We are not at war with Islam. We are at war with people who have perverted Islam.”

From the Atlantic…in which the author kindly reminds you that not all extremists are Muslim (or brown skin)

Here’s a fun ‘did you know’ fact for whoever…Obama has used the terrorism word nearly fifteen hundred times. Now that article was written in '13, so please adjust those ‘slide rulers’.

and now an important comment from a guy who doesn’t have a Joe Flacco problem

“They are not religious leaders; they are terrorists,” Obama said during remarks at a White House event on countering violent extremism. “We are not at war with Islam. We are at war with people who have perverted Islam.”

While I rather use the term ‘ratbirds’, seeing how I want to make the playoffs…go Ravens…



How silly and juvenile of Trump…a different word will suddenly defeat terrorism.

Chuck Todd has got to be one of the stupidest on-air personalities out there. Seriously, though I cannot stand the man, I felt John McCain was far more serious than any of the current asshats. Hell, even Mitt Romney had more weight than these guys. GD, that is one fucking stupid observation, Mr. Todd.

Please note that I’ve never ever said anything negative–if anything at all–about Chuck Todd, ever. I just couldn’t hold it in any longer. Negativity–or, in this case, the truth–wins out. Wow, I feel better!