Any thoughts on going after the home grown white Coast Guard terrorist who had plans to kill basically everyone?
Seems that story is not getting enough attention.
Trump’s goal is not to stop migrant smugglers - Trump’s goal is to rile up his base. Every time an undocumented immigrant commits a crime it is political gold for Trump. He is happy when an undocumented immigrant kills someone. Anyone who thinks he is actually trying to accomplish anything besides headlines and self aggrandizement has not been paying attention.
Well, in the 30 second window aides have to hold his attention while they offer policy/action options, the Ice Detentions Cruelty factor wins out. National Security Rational Smecurity - meh all that matters is making Donald feel virile.
I thought the quote below from the article was an excellent comparison.
“The emphasis on low-level enforcement is detracting from the mission of going after the smuggling rings,” a former senior HSI official, John Connolly, said in an interview. “It’s like focusing on drug users and small-time dealers instead of the cartels and the drug lords.”
Duh, uh.
Why do we continue to waste time on what we already know?
Here in Adams , Cumberland ,and York Counties (PA) migrant workers have come to work in the orchards for as long as anyone can remember.
It seems strange that they have not murdered or raped the locals year after year.
There may have been some problems among themselves but very little ,if any, to the local population.
Maybe the MSM should report this.
I live in Mesa, AZ - undocumented immigrants are used for everything here - literally - yard work, golf course maintenance, roofing, cement work, construction, house painting, etc., etc. Beyond the occasional drunk driving accident (which always gets publicity that the other 99 DWIs on the same day do not), there is very little crime reported in the immigrant community. I have a close friend who has been here 16 years and was shut out of DACA - his wife, who has been here longer, is also undocumented but they have 3 children who are not. Her oldest daughter just started ASU on a full academic scholarship. Their work ethic and charitable work for their church put me to shame.
I take Trump’s fear-mongering about immigrants personally. His worshippers scare me quite a bit, and I take his anti-immigrant screeds very seriously. Despite our close ties to the immigrant communities here in our everyday lives, this is the place where Kris Kobach helped our rep Russell Pearce write the infamous “papers please” law (SB 1070) and the county where Joe Arpaio thrived on his racist demagoguery of immigrants for decades. The hypocrisy is as sharp as a knife here and Trump support is strong.
I live 120 miles south of you and I have yet to see hoards of Mexicans terrorizing my neighborhood.
I agree about the work ethic and the lack if criminality.
Trump speakes as he does because he is a racist and also because he needs a scapegoat for his base to be fearful of.
It’s gonna take a whole lot of bleach to clean out the rot trump has brought to Washington.
It would make my year if trump were indicted by the SDNY. I know Mueller won’t but he should.
Typical of the weak thinking of most advisers to the Trump campaign and Trump administration: Treat the visible symptom, rather than addressing the underlying cause.
So basically he’s focusing on hurting poor people while leaving the rich people to continue collecting their profits based on exploitation. How republican of him.
Also he’s focusing on hurting people who want to become job-holding, taxpaying American citizens, while leaving foreign exploiters alone who won’t ever contribute anything positive to this country.
Just as he does with Vlad.