Discussion: Trump Tweets Point To GOP's 'Investigate The Investigators' Approach At Barr Hearing

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Lord Trump gave his senators their marching orders. Good vassals that they are they will comply. Hearing would be nothing but a demonization of the Special Counsel probe. Barr of course will skip the testifying in the House.


Flim-flam man toilet tweeting.

Man, they are twisting in the wind.


More from the party of personal responsibility. Sigh…


Why Didn’t tRump “Senior” PREVENT DON “Junior” or someone from TORTURING the family PETS before he went out and maybe MURDERED that 13-year-old GIRL he possibly RAPED?

See how easy it is, you lying, traitorous fuck? I would like to see someone with a decent number of Twitter followers start tweeting out stuff like that, give the Fuckhead-in-Chief a taste of his own shit.

And that goes double for the quislings and traitors in the Partei of Traitors, especially Traitor Turtle.


There’s a point where even my own deeply unhealthy obsession with this ongoing crisis can’t stop me from just wanting to say it’s all too stupid and just mostly not pay attention to it. I do hope that’s where I am, like an addict who just gets clean one day and never looks back. You can resist (i.e. volunteer for the good guys) without thinking about Trump much or at all.


The FBI wasn’t spying on the tRump campaign. They were spying on Russians. It just so happens that the Russians were communicating with the tRump campaign while being spied on by the FBI.


Too much crazy for me this morning.

What with Trump, Roy Moore, Stephen Moore, William Barr, some tweeter named “Fuck Donald Trump” being retweeted by Trump, and God knows who and what else. This shit’s just too crazy.


Sit down Donnie and STFU.


"the bad actions were done by the “other” side? "

Didn’t you say there’re very fine people on both sides?


If Obama did more in September & October 2016 Trump would have been screaming the vote his fixed. Trump was doing this anyway that fall. Looking back Obama should have done more publicly however no one expected Trump to win. Hindsight is 20-20


I’d have said McConnell.


McConnell cares more about his party than being a patriot. If Obama did more he would have been bashed for tipping the scales to Hillary. He was in a tough spot.


No way. He did the right thing. He would have been accused of favoring Hillary, if he had done otherwise he would irreparably damaged the legitimacy of the election. The fact that there were 52K previously undetected morons in PA, WI and MI doesn’t change that fact.


Let’s do it. Let’s investigate everything all over again, from top to bottom. Because “investigating the investigators” means investigating the whole predicate for the investigation in the first place. I am totally down for this.

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I agree but we got stuck with with Trump for 4 years.

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Why didn’t President Obama do something about Russia in September (before November Election) when told by the FBI? He did NOTHING, and had no intention of doing anything!

Which could lead one to ask “Why hasn’t Trump done anything to counter Russian interference after he was elected? He did NOTHING, and has no intention of doing anything!”

NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION. Besides, how can you have Obstruction when not only was there No Collusion (by Trump), but the bad actions were done by the “other” side? The greatest con-job in the history of American Politics!

The Art of the Redaction

“NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION. Besides, how can you have Obstruction when not only was there No Collusion (by Trump), but the bad actions were done by the “other” side? The greatest con-job in the history of American Politics!”


No argument. I have to say that despite knowing what McConnell was, Obama may reasonably have expected more cooperation. It doesn’t take an unusual amount if patriotism to object to a hostile foreign nation interfering in your own national election. I’m fairly cynical myself, but I would have expected McConnell to be, if not a patriot, at least a decent citizen. I think it was a shock to everyone to find out just how power-mad he really is, and how little else he values. I’m looking forward to Obama’s memoirs, because this will be a fascinating thing to read his description of.


If Obama had done otherwise we would have Trump anyway, and worse he would have something to complain about. Trump is God’s punishment for America, for gay marriage or something.


Those morans were detected, by the Russian bots.

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