“Even more of those polled — 57% to 37% — thought a new person should be elected president in 2020, rather than Trump.”
Yeah, but is that enough to overcome GOP cheating, gerrymandering, voter suppression and the broken electoral college and geographic allotment of voting power to rural areas?
I’m beginning to think the money of people like Soros and Steyers would be better spent paying blue people to move to red states. Let’s carpetbag the everloving shit out of them.
So? Have any of his tweets been correct?
he’s new to this.
He’s also a demented ignoramus. What’s your point? LOL
TIL from Fox: Up is Down = “not entirely accurate”
He’s right that it’s great news…as with most things, he has the facts backwards and doesn’t really understand what he’s saying though.
It’s going to happen naturally with the blue states becoming less affordable every day …
Hard to imagine how that error in the graphic occurred.
Fox has a person who was hired to do nothing but handle errors in news graphics. He couldn’t possibly be responsible for the 55% error, however, because Fox keeps him too busy putting (D) after the names of GOP elected officials who get into trouble.
“That tweet featured a poll that was not entirely accurate…”
… by which we meant, not even remotely accurate.
I’m here for the laughing chimpanzee.
Maybe they hired an intern. You always need one around to fire and take the blame for your mistakes.
Nice to see the 57% who in an earlier poll said they would never vote for Trump under any circumstances is holding firm.
Donnie, what a freaking chyron…
We should all guard against succumbing to the genetic fallacy. But information coming from FoxNews can generally be assumed to be a load of cow flop.
Only 55% unfavorable is pretty damn good news for him.
Trump’s approval has NEVER been above 50%!
Freaking Lou Dobbs.
that’s why I’m here, too.
Imagine if Trump actually cared about accuracy and issued errata. I think Twitter would blow up like a supernova.