Discussion: Trump Tweets Germany Owes 'Vast Sums Of Money To NATO'

The issue of Merkel’s popularity or the debts owed to NATO by certain members are separate issues that have really nothing to do with the pig ignorance and insulting nature of our highly incompetent President.

If the Boor were removed from the equation, diplomacy would ensue and our own past aggressions, faux pas’ and mistakes along with Germany’s and other members would be dealt with in today’s world. What Merkel is now and is doing now is very important and righteous actually. I believe that America has the high ground but not nearly as high as it could be. We’ve made plenty of bad calls IOW over the years and despite leading in many ways, we have no right to cast stones.

Trumpity’s attempts to distract have been recognized and should be quickly dispensed now because all that comes from him and team bullshit is the old shell game.
As Dr. Maddow has realized, focus on his actions and not his distractions.

The tweets are red meat and a cowards way of sort of punching back. When Dumbo is wrong and caught he’d be best, at least in national interest, just to at least shut up or better, admit it. He can’t punch a fact and win or tweet it away.

All that this is about is our President being wrong, again, and embarrassingly so, again, and going the bully route as opposed to trying to wise up.
He has compounded his stupidity and crudeness and taken our nation down another notch.
This isn’t leadership or the moral high ground and no one, outside of his own financial issues that is, will follow.

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