Discussion: Trump TV Ad Attacks Democrats, Media As 'The President's Enemies'

I wonder how long it would take them to choose…

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Dear Donnie, fck you, fck anyone who looks like you, fck all the fcks that think like you, and f*ck anyone that sounds like you. You are an incompetent half wit who deserves only scorn and condemnation.

I think the proper term here is “whelp”.

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Reich isn’t a pundit; he’s a professor of labor economics and former secretary of labor in the Clinton administration.


In this instance I’ll go with the old saw that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Here it really is that simple.

If this were a cartoon. Lucy would be saying "your a blockhead Donnie Trump…regrettably, it’s real life and we have a mindless fop as POTUS.

Yes, I know who and what he is. He fits the description though.

Awww…issum widdle Donnie upset at the tewwible media? Does he need his blankie?

Jeebus Crispies, what a little bitch this guy is.

And the rest of his posse is a bunch of cry-baby, emotional snowflakes who can’t take a good ass-whipping.

Is there anyone in that crew who has a pair?

Fake News. The Great Uniter speaks, and incomprehensibility ushers forth.

Enemies of a lying cheating president are compatriots of the country. Republicans can’t handle or admit Donald’s truth.

Hope you can at least forgive this one, Chelsea. Perhaps @tena might as well. Probably not, considering the virulence of your hatred, including attacking even someone like @clare. But one can hope.

The woman who died when a car rammed into a group of people protesting against a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville was named on Sunday as Heather Heyer, a 32-year-old legal assistant with a law firm in Virginia, who repeatedly championed civil rights issues on social media.

Heyer, whose Facebook cover photo read: “If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention”, worked for the Virginia law firm Miller Law and regularly drew attention to cases of police malpractice and racism, as well as posting her support for Bernie Sanders in his presidential campaign.

from the Guardian UK

Anger does not translate into hatred; it’s more profound disappointment and sadness that people were all too willing to believe the worst about Hillary without any actual evidence. What’s going on now in this country after seven months because Trump got elected is unbelievable, scary and infuriating. The events of Saturday were just another reminder that it could have been different and better. Then again, maybe the country had to get to this point to really understand what’s at stake here. We’re all on edge as we continue to hope and work for some semblance of order and normalcy.

I apologized to clare, and I meant it.


You need to apologize to a lot of people. And to God.

Trump/Bannon are just following the Fascist Playbook from 1932.

Hitler incited riots in the streets between his SA thugs and the Communists, Unions, and anybody else he could, encouraging them to engage in running gun-battles in the streets while the police and army stood by and watched, tacitly agreeing with and sometimes outright assisting the SA in beatings, destruction of shops, arson, and murders.
He did this to push the meme of “terror in the streets” and “the Communist Jews are trying to destroy our Country!” constantly beating the drum of racism, hatred, and fear on their Nazi-owned Radio stations and producing reams of Eugenics Propaganda Films pushing Aryan Supremacy that were shown FOR FREE in the theatres to incite the populace to vote for the Nazis in the upcoming elections. Pushing a “Law and Order” message they only got about 32% of the vote, but it was enough to put Hitler into the Bundesrat and make the Nazi’s a minority party.
In the next elections their percentage of vote actually dropped to 24% but they gained more seats and eventually, through some brilliant manipulation and strong-arming of the Bundesrat Hitler became Chancellor.
The rest as they say, is History.


Chelsea, I didn’t want, and don’t want, to get between last night’s argument between you and Clare because I enjoy and respect both of your commenting.

Like Clare, I welcome a supportive comment from Reich as well as anyone else – even longtime Republicans – that furthers the Resistence to this vile regime.

Like you, I have had many WTF moments in recent years over Reich. He has also been dismissive of President Obama at crucial times.

One example: during the early GW Bush years when he was trying to negotiate a trade deal, Reich advocated for Congress to give Bush, a Republican, “fast track” authority to conclude negotiations.

But when President Obama was seeking fast track authority for TPP, Reich – who served in a Democrat administration – advocated against Congress giving Obama “fast track” authority to conclude negotiations for the TPP, even though the TPP did include enforceable environmental, labor, and human rights standards – standards that typically are not championed by the free trade advocates and have not been enforced in past agreements. NAFTA did not include those standards, a distinction that Reich should have pointed out.

As a respected Clinton era Labor Secretary, Reich was in a position to inject some facts and history into the often-hysterical discussion over the TPP.

Instead, in my opinion he helped bolster the bogus America First atmosphere that won Trump the presidency and which is leading to our diplomatic, economic, and strategic isolation in the world.


No, I do not. Perhaps you should do a little self-reflection.

Have a nice day.

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And @26degreesrising

This is so true, as is the rest of your comment. The depth of heartbreak is profound. And I include all of us who are astounded that we have such a despicable human in the WH. “On edge” is an understatement. Even my millennial son has pulled me aside and said "Mom, you and Dad need to find a way to keep the Trumpshit from making you sick. Of course, he and his pals are worried too….watching the news closely, planning ahead. I think they realize what’s at stake. Awesome bunch, but I digress.

Anyhoo, I could have handled the disagreement better. And I have been guilty of lashing out to other commenters when it was not called for. Long story short, we all need to move ahead and not be sidetracked by the sadness and anger. There are times when it is so hard. Charlottesville is definitely one of those times.

I was reading about Heather Heyer last night …. the way her mom and friends talked about her….and the message within it all was let’s be strong, move ahead, and take our country back. We need wisdom and strategy and all hands on deck. And the way we handle ourselves here at TPM is a start to having the right attitude for the bigger task. I really like this forum and get a lot out of it. A lot of fine minds and good souls here.


You’re absolutely correct. I’ve taken some deep breaths. Thank you and again, I’m sorry- you didn’t deserve that. We’re on the same side here.


I know links to this have been posted elsewhere but about 9:30 into this they talk about Germany forbidding reading NYT or listening to BBC. A lot of astounding similarities.

Here’s a non-scientific wild assed guess of how the white race evolved and why we seem to be so predjudice and mean toward other races. It’s not an excuse, just and effort to try and understand why such strong hate like prejudice seem to be so ingrained in white folks of which I’m one, white not hateful that is.

I really think somewhere back in human history white folks were thought of as having something wrong. like albinos still are somewhat, and actually were kicked out and beaten down by other races that outnumbered them. So only the meanest and most prejudiced white folks survived and passed that down to their offspring until they finally were able to grow in population and beat down non-whites and get to where we are now. And some of us can’t see past this mentality and let go of the hate.

Clare, we’re all under a lot of stress since November.

The other day, I got into a rather heated argument with my brother. He lives in Ohio, and our talk turned to politics, and he started going off on all the “neo-liberal corporatist” Democrats, the Democrats don’t have a message, people who voted for Jill Stein in November had a good point to make, etc.

It reminded me of the arguments I had with him over his voting for Ralph Nader in 2000, or his outrage at the “failure” of Obama and the Democrats to “do something” when the Republicans in Congress refused to raise the debt ceiling in 2011, which almost took our country into default.

He thinks I am too accommodating of liberals who are not forcefully advocating for single payer now, or for Red State Democratic Congressmen who haven’t gone whole hog for Bernie Sanders agenda, or when I try to argue about the need for being more strategic and making alliances with moderates and independents.

Worse yet, he doesn’t see any hope for today’s Democrats, and thinks the potential for achieving positive and lasting change is much worse than it was a century ago. I try to assure him that his goals are widely shared, but he seems too pessimistic about the Resistence and Democrats in general.

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