In a perfect world Obama would resign, making Joe Biden the 45th POTUS, and sticking Mr. Micturition with warehouses full of useless merchandise.
As MKL Jr. famously said, “I have a dream.”
In a perfect world Obama would resign, making Joe Biden the 45th POTUS, and sticking Mr. Micturition with warehouses full of useless merchandise.
As MKL Jr. famously said, “I have a dream.”
I’ll be busy on Friday, got work to do and I have to pack supplies for our drive to one of the local protest marches on Saturday. Sorry your reality show will look so shabby mr. trump (not really).
I bet my money Nazifrong PeePee had no fuckin’ idea who Chelsea Manning was until the news of Obama’s commutation of her.
Exactly. Stop whining, Spicer. Get over it. Manning won. You lost. Accept the will of the people. Move on.
TrUmp wriTing his own speecH aLL by himself witH no HeLp. NotE thE paD is fuLL of smarT ideas. That are hiS OWN. NOT OTHERs. YoUr presIdent, LibTards…
Of course he’s troubled.
“Chelsea and Ivanka were best friends. What happened?”
In a perfect world Trump gets in the limousine with Obama and is not driven to the Capitol.
Jeez I don’t know why Trumpty Drumpy should worry about leaks from the intelligence services, I mean it’s not like it helped him win the election. After his inauguration he’ll have nothing to worry about. The Intelligence communities would NEVER EVER allow a leak about Trump to come out. Trump has their back. You can’t buy loyalty like that.
In a perfect world, Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren would be prepping to be sworn in, Nancy Pelosi would have the gavel, and Chuck Schumer would be trying to figure out which Obamacare expansion plan to bring to the floor. And Peepee would be would be out on bail.
After which Spicer dropped his pants, lit his hair on fire, and cried out “SNOOOOTCH!”
Anyway, I’m glad it gets on their nerves. Especially since this puts their pedophile helper in an awkward position as he shows he was never a man of his word.
No bail. He’s a flight risk.
Nice aesthetic: the china flower chatchke, the eagle, the wax figure ready for shipping to Tussaud’s
"I think the President-elect is troubled’
Spicer could have stopped right there.
And the shit she exposed was or was on the verge of war crime that US was doing.
Note: I put this under wagonmound’s comment, but it really as a reply/addition to dave_mb’s comment
Not at all posed ! No Sir, words come easy to him !