Discussion: Trump Transition To Announce Landing Teams To Liaise With Govt Agencies

“He announced that any lobbyists in the executive branch under Trump will be banned from lobbying for five years after leaving their jobs with the administration”

But the ones in his Cabinet and Presidential advisory positions can just do what ever they please…

Why bother lobbying for five years when you got to run the relevant department for the last 4?


How is that ban enforced? Presidential ukaz?


First photos now coming in of Trump’s Landing Teams:


Uhh, about damn time? Actually, no, we should wait to see the composition of these “landing teams”. I fear the transition clown show has not even reached intermission.

ETA: Questions from reporters means softballs from Breitbart interns, yeah?

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Transition? You mean like adult political professionals do? Pfft. This is President Camp. Bunch of maladjusted little wiener boys prone to thumbsucking, bedwetting, bawling and tantrums at the least little thing, and nobody knows or cares to learn the simplest rules.


Besides being forbidden to lobby for 5 years, anyone who leaves the Trump White House or a Federal Agency will be required to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement which specifically forbids them from revealing how amateurish and clueless the President Elect and his entourage actually are.


I think the people leaving the Trump White House will put “Serial Killer” down on their resume for that period of time. Less damage to their career prospects.


Where’s the legislation?


Waves of Landing Teams?

101st Chickenhawk Keyboard Commando


I think this can be done by executive order for political appointments. It’s interesting, because it shuts the revolving door, but also decreases exit options for people who might decide they can’t take the crazy or get fired (like, say, for a leak).

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“…the first wave of “landing teams” that will interact with federal agencies.”

So now he is confusing a transition team to smooth bureaucratic passing of the wand with Seal Team 6?

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Just in: Flynn will be Nat’l Sec Advisor

Now all the ammosexuals will have something to shoot at…in the next War.

I am about tired with people. BernieBots are still obsessing over Hillary-bashing bullshit… and anyone with a young man or woman and/or someone in the Military now has a great deal to be angry for.

Like I said, we have less than 65 days to stop this man from being in office more than it takes for him to quickly resign.

I simply cannot understand the Republican Party…who legitimized Trump
I simply cannot understand the MSM…which failed to apply journalism to Trump
I simply cannot understand protest voters who made this possible

But right now, upon hearing that the most out-of-control National Security Advisor will be giving HIS perspective to the most erratic, thin-skinned and impulsive individual ever to have occupied the Oval Office, I have a white hot rage at anyone who can look at this…

And turn over and go back to sleep.

We are talking about the gravest moments in human history. I just saw John Heilemann (a centrist guy) on O’Donnell’s show tonite and he and Mike Murphy are horrified (especially Heilemann)


Oy vey.

Serious inquiry – does anyone REALLY think Donnie will last all 4 years? Between the inevitable leaks and realizing he was elected prez, not absolute monarch, I think we’ll be running against President Pence in 2020.


proudbluegirl72, I want for Pence to become President for the survival of this Planet. I would take it tomorrow or next weak…20 January at the latest. Trump quite seriously is a mentally ill boy in a man’s body.


If not a President Ryan. The establishment RNC will do what they can to get rid of Trump if he opposes them too much and the same will be true if Pence wanders too far. The Koch brothers would love to have Ryan in the big chair.

Badges??? We don’t need no stinking badges.

Here’s some interesting news: Rand Paul has just said that he and some other Republicans are prepared to vote against Trump’s appointments, especially Rudy Giuliani and John Bolton. Rand said that, since the GOP has only a 52-48 majority in the Senate, it wouldn’t take many of them to stop controversial appointments. Would he really do that despite endorsing Trump?

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He can claim he endorsed pseudo-isolationist Trump, but now with warmonger appointments he has duty to…yadda, yadda, yadda.