Discussion: Trump Transition Team Accuses Mueller Of Improperly Obtaining Documents

In D.C.!

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I thought it was in D.C.?

You’re misquoting. That was the butcher. And what he said was, no ham, no fowl.


The request for these emails was made by Mueller in August, and the emails were received in September. The Trump team didn’t find out about it until maybe 2 weeks ago. The increasingly incendiary rhetoric from the Trumper crew began after Hope Hicks’ interview. I suspect that she found herself unprepared for some of the questions from Mueller’s team and given her wide involvement in every aspect of #trumprussia thought it was unusual to be asked questions on matters about which she thought only a very few people had knowledge. It’s after that the Trump team starting turning the wheels in their heads and realized that Mueller had another source for emails.

I think Hicks attempted to remain loyal to Trump, confident that she could skate through the interview with carefully prepped answers, but then became a deer in headlights when confronted with emails touching uncomfortable subjects. She may have lied to Mueller. Others may have as well. In fact, Mueller may have asked people to comment on other people’s emails as well as ones in which they were the direct recipient. Many are compromised and I think many will be indicted. Mueller has been sending signals for 2 months telling people not to lie. But the Trumper brain doesn’t grasp the concept. Trump’s aggression against the investigation will accelerate Mueller’s timetable an he will probably issue more indictments sooner rather than later.


Thou doth protest too much . What does stupid’s transition team, so call that, think about Russia stealing Democrats private property? Haven’t seen or heard any memos about the Russians from trumps group they’re too busy cheering on

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Here’s Statecraft’s letter … he he …


Yep—he’s also notorious for not paying his bills. Good attorneys don’t love to work for deadbeats.


Dershowitz has been revealed as the hack we’ve long suspected—and kompromat ain’t just for pols.

ETA—should read “mendacious hack,” my bad.

Also—he’s gotta be ripe for kompromat. Dude has sure changed his tune re Hair Furor.

Good grief



Jiffy Vape? Orville Reddenbacher huffers?


clearly trying to rebrand himself as a “Law and Order Type”, is he paying the alimony to his ex-wife ?

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Clearly a true pro…

Love the festive Christmas Clunker Truck!

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there’s a lot of “you’re darn right” in your post.

there’s also the reality facing us that for now we’re being overwhelmed by a tsunami of bullshit from all directions. I have made peace with the concept that IF Mueller is successful in removing the bad eggs from this administration that it will take YEARS to restore sanity to the Republic. Like so many of you/us I’ve written congress critters, sent money to progressive causes and candidates, and made calls only to still find ourselves down 3 touchdowns with just a few minutes on the clock left.

We need a Mueller Hail-Mary (okay, 3 or 4 of them) and a bunch more recovered onside kicks by his staff to make us competitive.


Jared and Don Jr. being frog-marched off for perjury and a few more ugly charges before Christmas would be nice.


I can see the prep now with the WH lawyers: “lie your ass off and POTUS will pardon you before you get to prison.”

can’t wait for the movie version of this drama to come out.

I’m thinking comedy, not drama.

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“But in the end, with the exclusion of deploying troops in the streets …” See Posse ComItatus.


These people will never figure out that they can’t lie when being interviewed by Mueller’s team. Even if you are smart, you are up against almost twenty very smart people who already know a lot about what you have been doing. If I was in that situation, I would either plead the 5th or tell them everything I knew. They ALWAYS have the advantage because the people they are interviewing don’t know what they know and the motivations behind the questions aren’t always obvious. I am guessing the process involves them catching interviewees in lies and pointing out the lies and the possible consequences in subsequent interviews. It is better to get it all out in the first interview and not make them continue to come after you.

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