Depriving the Honorees of his presence …
is actually the largest gift he can bestow ----
Depriving the Honorees of his presence …
is actually the largest gift he can bestow ----
December? He won’t even be President by December!
I wonder how much Melania is enjoying her sojourn in DC as the national host of all good cultural causes… Not that I feel sorry for her in her initial fustian deal, but I bet she’s feeling imprisoned and she’d move back alone to NYC in a heartbeat.
I will give her that: She is not angling for attention, I think she is cool, being out of the spotlight…
The First Lady chairs the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts board of trustees. Ms. Trump is one of the most artistically talented First Ladies to ever be Chair in my opinion. She is a gifted plagiarist, a superb dancer, a beautiful model, a skilled escort and an exciting movie star. She was critically acclaimed and recognized for her performances across the capitals and cities of Western and Eastern Europe and North America.
He’ll always be welcome in Oildale, CA
I love bunker time! The end is near, Preppers of the world unite!
Meanwhile, banished Bannon has a 26 ft U Haul rental backed up at Mattress Warehouse.
Donald already knows where he’ll be: in jail awaiting trial, so this was an easy call for him.
Brilliant! Certified grade A prime snark right there.
He’s talking like a complete jerk today. Latest is the Trump presidency isn’t what “we” voted for (message" it’s been co-opted by the cucks and libtards), but that his side is going to win, triumph and move on to glory in the end.
This guy thinks he’s huge. I wish I didn’t believe in free speech.
Hopefully with a reenactment of the final scene.
Stroke more likely. He’d never croak himself.
Perhaps he’s uncertain if he and the First Stripper will be in the White House on Dec. 3.
In addition, she is so highly cultured that she was able to award herself a university degree.
You’re not wanted, Trump!
It’s that plain and simple.