Discussion: Trump To Send 3 Officials To Middle East To Discuss Israeli-Palestinian Peace

I’m expecting great things from this trio. Great, great, great, big wonderful great things.

And cake.


Oh, so highly respected and eminently qualified international diplomat Jared Kushner is on the case? Well then, it’s practically a done deal!


I understand Kusher’s departure is on hold until he’s old enough for his bar mitzvah.


Jared Kushner: Wet behind the ass.
Every diplomat and negotiator in the middle East should laugh in his fucking face. And instead of throwing shoes at him, a la GWB, they should throw Pampers.


You see this cat Kushner is a bad motherfu…
(Shut your mouth!)
But I’m talkin’ about Jared!
(Then we’re on the floor laughing our fucking asses off!)

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Maybe Bibi can give Jared pointers on how to not get indicted.


I think the odds are 50/50 that he even returns :wink:

And if he does, he will start making more trips to Israel, one of which will eventually end up with him refusing to return to the States.


Is Jared taking his legal pad and crayons?


Yes, North Korea and the rest of Southeast Asia are about to explode because of Commander Pussygrabber’s overcompensation for his micropenis, so we’re sending a useless twit to iron out problems in the Middle East.
I guess “Fox and Friends” really does guide American foreign policy now.

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Now, now. That’s enough of that. He’s a big boy now. Ivankadonk allows him to use Magic Markers.

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Oh boy, Trump is trying to do something in the Middle East. We are about to have another crisis on our hands.


Did they already wrap up that “lasting peach” deal?

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Things are going to go so well that Mr. Kushner will have to extend his stay. The family will follow and remain in Israel. This is going to be interesting to watch.

Now here’s a real joke. What a laugh these people are.