Discussion: Trump To Remove Chief Of DC National Guard In Middle Of Inauguration Day

Definitely an exception, but my son-in-law’s dad is a retired police officer and was the head of ground equipment for the CT National Guard until probably five or seven years ago.

The night of the election, he called my oldest grandson (10 yo) to see if he was ok after the election results were announced, because he (the dad) was definitely not (neither was my grandson, who’d been the object of a bully in school and wanted nothing to do with a clear bully winning the election, but that’s another story).

Holiday discussions were no problem because we all felt the same way.

The investigation into Comey and his actions is only just getting underway. Under any other administration, he would already have been found guilty under the Hatch Act, but this is not any other administration. I’m sure he will be rewarded, somehow, for his efforts. Not to mention, I don’t think the Hatch Act violation penalty is anything more than the loss of his job and an inability to work for the government in the future - not sure if there is any financial or incarceration penalty.

I think there are two possibilities. The first is that he wants the protesters to be violently suppressed, and doesn’t think Shwartz will do it. The second, even worse option, is that he wants to undermine the Guard’s ability to control the crowd, in the hope that things get really nasty and he can use rioting as justification to crack down on dissenters.

@notfromvenus: And if the consistently repeated cheer during the protest attacks isn’t 'The Whole World is Watching… The Whole World is Watching…", I will be disappointed. Because this is the bright light that would need to be shone on this administration from the very first day.

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Maybe Trump decided (impetuously, petulantly, to cast blame as if in a fake Reality TV Show) to fire Maj. General Schwartz after finding out that the brand of portolet to be used for the Inaugural would be “Don’s Johns.”

You treat people like shit you get shit on. Trump doesn’t recognize patterns very wel.

Drumpf has Narcissistic Personality Disorder, he reacts to any possible slight as he sees it. This just demonstrates that he is very sick and we, the American People, are in for a rough ride until we see fit to declare him incompetent, and remove him from office.

What’s the big deal? Barron wanted the job. Melania said she thought he could handle it and it would get him out of the house a few hours a day. As far as the timing: you know how impatient kids can be… Barron didn’t want to wait until the day after his daddy became “el generalissimo”… oh, yeah, that’s just the cute pet name the family has given Drumpfy.

If his men had any sense of the military, they would march out as their commander left, essentially stealing the spotlight from the short-fingered vulgarian.

If he’s not a political appointee, he can’t be summarily dismissed by the incoming Adminstration. There are only two choices - political appointee or career civil servant/military officer.

I don’t know the protocol about this, so I’m wondering who will take over the command at 12:01pm. Something is compelling me to believe that if there is no commander in charge of the Guard, the commander-in-chief takes over, which would free Donnie to order them to do his bidding should any protests arise at the inauguation. And if there is no replacement by the 21st, he will be the ‘decider’ about what to do over the women’s march. Can somebody clarify this?

Ignore the inauguration of this barbarian. Instead, give the outgoing president a standing ovation when he leaves the White House for the last time.

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I’m thinking his Tr(i)umphal march will be “Heil to the Thief” (thanks Radiohead for the idea)

Help with the lyrics, please.

So now trump insults the National Guard? Can the Army be far behind?

The second in command would step up. To me this is stupidity in the extreme considering the general is in charge of one layer of trump’s security.
Just one more item of incompetency on display. In the end even GOPers will tire of this…assuming trump does not kill us all.


The general is a patriot. He will have his second in command ready to take over and make damned sure all his preparations are set. Bet those serving under the general are pissed off bigly by Peetus’ arrogant move.


Up thread I posited that if I were the general I’d issue an order for my troops to stand down and then I’d resign and suggest that my 2nd in command resign as well at his/her discretion and let trump take care of things himself. Trump has no authority yet, to issue any order or demand. Not until he is sworn into office. So at ths pint he can pontificate all he wants and the general can tell him, as a civilian, to piss off.

The Constitution of the United States
Article I (Article 1 - Legislative)
Section 8
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States,

I know that Truman fired MacArthur but he was Regular Army.

I can’t find the constitutional amendment allowing Trump to fire this guy. It’s up to Congress.



How is he able to do anything before he is even sworn in?
Does a President-Elect have powers?

Why give the rabid Trumpsters something to attack on with this report? The commander’s a presidential appointee, as with all appointees he submitted his resignation effective at the end of the presidential term. This is SOP. Yes, Trump could have asked him to serve another term, as Obama did when the commander resigned at the end of Bush’s second term. That didn’t happen, but it is inaccurate to say Trump removed him - you can’t remove a person who no longer is in the position. It’s also somewhat foolish to suggest there will be chaos because of this. We’re talking about a well established chain of command with - one would assume - has a solid plan for the weekend - if not, the commander had not done his duty.

The comparison to the diplomatic families is a false equivalency, every piece of the Guard will be there, with all orders intact and the chain of command in place to carry out the orders. They’ve done this before and, since they are, again one can assume, well trained for what they need to do.

Why give Trumpsters the opportunity to even suggest this is “fake news” and that “liberals lie” when the actual facts say nothing of the sort that Trump ordered anyone to be removed? He resigned, Which is what appointees do. I was attacked for stating the actual facts by a guy who had called it fake news, and gave all kinds of scenarios where it could have been different rather than just saying this is wrong and given facts. Because that wasn’t his issue], he knew it and he wanted to do the usual winger attack on the poor liberal who wouldn’t accept Trump’s in charge and tough, throwing in some false equivalencies and actual inaccuracies because that’s what they do. Poor dear, bless his heart. Don’t give these cranks anything to attack, stick to the facts. That’s journalism, that’s what will be necessary. TPM was pretty good in not buying into the general disbelief/play along with Trump during the campaign. Don’t do it now.

Here is reality from a retired military lifer, who more strongly says what I’ve said (and, yes, the winger who who attacked me ignored all this because liberals lie…)

NO!!! Because the story is wrong, the commander was a presidential appointee and resigned, as all appointees do, he was NOT fired! If the Guard walked out, they would be in real, consequential dereliction of duty, and very much insulting their commander, not supporting him. They have a plan, they have their orders, and they need to carry out their orders. Since they were prepared by the commander, who served under the current and Bush administrations, one can assume the plans and orders are well done, and the plans and orders WILL remain in place.

I already chided TPM for this poor reporting, here’s a piece worth reading which quite clearly lays out reality and points out by suggesting things like the Guard walk out is giving Trumpsters reason to further attack anyone who does not support Trump - for all the wrong reasons. Save the Trump attacks for real issues, of which there will be many. Don’t give Trumpsters any reason to attack when they will need excuses to justify the chaos and destruction around the coming administration. They will be grasping for anything they can find, we can’t give them anything, especially something which is based on false conclusions like Trump fired anyone,. He didn’t.

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