They need to coordinate and draw up talking points and to do lists for the Trump -GOP Philosophy
This sounds like a three scoop affair!
“…to Lunch with Senate Republicans as they try to arrive at a way of Making Donald Shut Up by Any Means Necessary.”
Choke on it, Looneytunes. I’ll be punching the ballot next to the name of the new Congresswoman from Pennsylvania’s recently de-gerrymandered Sixth District, Air Force vet Chrissy Houlahan. She’d be running against Ryan Costello but he’s running away like a little rabbit because of the political conditions you’ve created with your awesomeness, you braying jackass authoritarian crazy-ass ignorant freak. Bon appetit, really. Stuff your god-damned mouth.
tRump put McTurtle in charge of organizing the meeting.
His responsibility is to write down the orders. Mitch is more than willing to comply.
So…“Who wants fries with that?”
I hope they’ve made reservations. The McDonald’s at 17th St. NW gets pretty busy around lunchtime.
Crow is an acquired taste …
but whatever is on the menu … I hope they enjoy it served cold —
hey hey now, let’s not get hasty…
Strategize on that party message:
“We get Away With It!”
“Criminals are Heroes!”
“Family De-Valued!”
“Augean Stable Geniuses”