I’m not suggesting that you should like him. There’s no reason for anyone, except Klansmen and neo-Nazis, to like him. Apparently, Trump has just never been dissed by anyone who was gay, or at least who he knew was gay. Trump is only concerned about one thing: his own self-image. If no one who is gay has attacked this, then he likely has no animosity towards gays. He’s not a religious person so he has no ideological antipathy to gays. That by itself doesn’t make him likable.
But there are a lot of people who would say “but he doesn’t hate you, why don’t you like him?” and mean it. I was also being rather flippant about the whole issue. So I wasn’t being serious.
Seriously, they’re still trying to fight that battle? As if there aren’t real problems they could be solving. Remember, their president basically thinks this country is a burning hellscape. And THAT’s the issue they want to “fix”???
Is the emperor not generous?!?!?
He’s provided the circus…now he’s providing the bread…
I fully expected to wake up today to something like this. I had seen rumors being floated around the past couple of days about a possible ban on gay adoptions, along with some other regressive anti-LGBT policy. I’m not going to jump on the freakout train yet, but it honestly wouldn’t surprise me if we do end up there, along with an attempt to rollback other workplace anti-discrimination law - especially in the private sector (gAY WeeDDDing CAKESS!!!). Trump didn’t surround himself with people who have the LGBT community’s best interests in mind, and while this workplace protection order is a nice little scrap from the tablecloth, wait until the other shoe drops.
This is, of course, a positive development, and an opportunity. As a member of another minority (Jews) Trump has not (yet) chosen to oppress, I look forward to joining my LGBT fellow citizens in vigorously protesting against this administration’s mistreatment of the vulnerable.
Yep. Within the framework of “MAGA” is going back to the fiction that existed temporarily in the 1950’s/'60’s. Women, PoC, gays, foreigners - that time was seen as a golden era for White people. Pence/Bannon beleive THAT was the natural order of things and should be restored post haste.
LGBTs seem to be far more politically aware than the rest of us. Even so, I seriously doubt they think the guy who chose Pence as his VP might somehow be their friend.
Also, I don’t believe this has anything to do with dividing and conquering his enemies. Again, he wouldn’t have chosen Pence. It may be as simple as Ivanka saying, “But daddy, some of my best designers are gay.”
For now he does not want to anger the LBGT community but he is unpredictable, vengeful, and childish… He knows that they are organized and powerful and have $$$. A short window on everything.
Just hope he strokes out sooner rather than later…
Scalia was alive and on the bench when gay marriage became the law of the land. We have no reason to believe Kennedy would suddenly flip his vote. It would still be a 5-4 decision in favor of marriage equality.
Whoever that man nominates to replace Scalia will not affect Obergefell.
Especially since Kennedy wrote all the recent Supreme Court decisions on gay rights.
Exactly, and there’s little he could do about gay adoption or RFRA without the help of Congress, which he isn’t going to get.
ETA-Unless you can find 7 Dem Senators who’d go along with these things, then you probably need to take a deep breath. I’m not even sure you could find 53 GOP senators to take the leap. Portman wouldn’t, Rubio, Paul, and Collins probably wouldn’t either. They’d probably even lose McCain and Flake.
Holy Jesus, I hadn’t even thought of that! Roy Moore would be the trollingest pick, so therefore the most likely one for Bannon to put forward.
Hyperzionism is the poison favored by the American right-wing theocrats and fascists. Working quite well. Just slower than the more direct means previously employed. You have to frame the victim before the pogrom can really get going.
For now. Until Bannon kicks Peter Thiel out of being a Trump advisor
Danger Alert! They’re taking names. They now realize there are limits on how many demographics they can subjugate at a time.
Yeah. Ignorance is wonderful…for some people.
But after impeachment, Pence will change that.
I still have to bite my lip about the fact that she didn’t retire back in 2012–when she was 80, ffs.