This guy is a piece of fucking work, let me tell you. Clinton shouldn’t apologize, she should tell him where to stick it.
“Deplorables” should stay in the news cycle for the rest of the campaign–although Hillary should make clear that she’s not speaking of the many Trumpf supporters who’ve just fallen for a load of hot air.
I hope not; I really hope she stands up to that bully, and his bully supporters.
Shut the Fuck Up, Donny
Keep it simple:
Apologize for Being a Birther, Then Drop Out
Meh. This is nothing more than Obama’s “clinging” gaffe. Heaven forbid the truth be told about these fucking assholes who vote GOP no matter what. This one will pass, imo, with very little to no damage. It will just be one more thing staunch Republicans get to hate on her about.
What? Trumpy can’t handle the truth??? He has been encouraging these “deplorables” since the beginning of his campaign. Dear gawd Trump is a deplorable, the people around him - eg Ailes… so he should be flattered that she is telling the truth ! What trumpy does not like is “political correctness” - so there you go!
HRC campaign is missing an obvious and perfect response here: take Slate’s “191 disqualifying remarks” list and ask that Trump apologize for every last one of them.
If there is any further “regret” expressed, I’m going to need to be institutionalized.
That said, this actually looks pretty weak on Trump’s part. Late and whiny.
And some, I assume, are good people.
Oh, my! Well, Hillary has no choice now but to drop out. Sad! I was all prepared to vote for her, but now that Donald has told her she has to drop out, I guess she has no choice. This is totally… um… what’s the word? Oh, right: Deplorable!
That sounds more like pleading than demanding.
Hillary should have taken it right back to Trump and gotten in his face. She should have challenged Trump and all of his irresponsible supporters – who are ipso facto racists, misogynists, xenophobics, aspiring war criminals, etc etc.
The fact that you support a racist, misogynist etc etc fuck like Donald Trump is itself apodictic proof that you are one of the deplorables. That is NOT a radical statement. Trump is in a special category of deplorable all of his own and if you support him you are defining yourself in his terms.
Unfortunately as Josh has already pointed out she has already capitulated on this point. The correct approach would have been to threaten potential Trump supporters with social ostracism for supporting such an extremist. Instead Hillary is now a crucial part of the Trump normalization process.
This is a great example of the difference between Republicans and Democrats. Republicans never apologize and Hillary did instantly – and now Trump is hitting her twice as hard on it, demonstrating why she was stupid and weak to apologize in the first place.
Way to go Team Hillary. You all can be the next Team Kerry getting swiftboated by a fucking draft dodger. Idiots.
Good, let’s move the narritive to the deplorables and let’s see who in the media will report Hillary’s complete quote.
Read this essay from Daily Kos and then try to suggest that Clinton was wrong.
Trickle out the poll numbers of Donnie supporters that highlight the % of wanna be slave owners, the % who want to take the vote away from women, and on and on.
F-U. What about all those POWs and Mexican immigrants you dissed? When you apologize for retweeting White Supremacist’s websites, we’ll talk.