Discussion: Trump To Captives: You 'Probably Broke The All-Time-In-History' 3 AM TV Rating

Why do we only see the third guy’s arm?

Plain and simple, Donnie is a pig.

Or backpacking along the Iran/Iraq border on vacation and then being shocked that Iran captured you.



Many things…many many things…


Remind me again about the ratings of the coffins coming back at Dover with Flags on them.
Can you imagine the ratings if you attended a few of those Donnie


Did he pitch any products during his infomercial?

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If they televise the trials like in the Watergate era, I will take time off from work to stay home and watch them.

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actually, that’s what’s wrong with us


The country seems to be a draw for eager christians.

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Well, if you’ve ever imagined yourself suffering for your faith, the NoKos can make that happen for you.


If I was a captive in North Korea and Satan came to carry me on his back to fly to the US I’d happily climb aboard.

But I would then be disgruntled if when we landed, I had to listen to him brag about the TV ratings. Our great compassionate uniter at work again. Still, I would grudgingly say zhit’ stalo veselee into the mic for the benefit of the compliant media lapdogs hanging around at 3 am.

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It was only 12 pm on the west coast and I’ll bet folks there were watching something else. Anyone awake in DC was still binge watching Westworld or some other shit like that.

'zaktly. Although, with all the terrible persecution and oppression they experience here in the U.S. of A, you’d think they would be happy with the martyrdom they’ve already achieved.


Fat Donny is such a narrow thinker, does he not realize he is being played by North Korea and China? We have been effectively cut out of the future of the Korean peninsula while China controls the shipping lanes in the far Pacific.

Oh, asked and answered.

But Hurrah!, 3am TV ratings, along with the 'My Pillow" commercials.


Watch the Philippines go Chinese next.


I heard some of Trump’s comments on the radio coming into the office this morning …

“This is a great night for these wonderful people. And so [pause while he tries to think of something appropriate to say]…congratulations for being in this country.”

I kid you not - “congratulations for being in this country.”

Like they won a contest or something.

How about, oh I don’t know…:

“Welcome home” or
“Welcome back to the United States” or
“We’re all glad you’re back safely.”

Fucking moron.


About that photo: Is Melania being counted as the third captive?


This is such good news. WELCOME HOME!

I guarantee this wasn’t even the most watched event from the Korean peninsula at 3AM this year. Anyone remember the winter Olympics? There was LIVE programming at 3AM (EST) all during the Olympics.