Discussion: Trump To Attend NRA Convention On Friday In Dallas

I hope heā€™ll be careful. Wouldnā€™t want any one to shoot him.

(Just a thought: Is the Secret Service going to make sure that there are no guns (except theirs) in the hall? How ironic!


They already banned guns from the convention, before this was announced, because VP is also going.


SUPREME irony!

(You can tell Iā€™m not much in touch with the NRA.)


Feel free to assert your right to conceal and carry at shopping malls, college campuses, your local grocery store, et cetera. But at the NRA Conventionā€¦No!

Itā€™s the one ā€˜gun-free zoneā€™ no one complains about.


And kids in school are still fair game. Trump, Pence, and the NRA are vile.


I think we need a full counting of all of GOP elected officials that are attending. The GOP needs to be tied inextricably to this organization - not just Trump.


A whole generation of new voters and soon to be voters will watch to see which office holders and candidates show up. And will be starting to form their voting opinions accordingly.

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I think that CPAC had a similar posting/policy at their conventions. They really donā€™t put much stock into their own ā€œgood guy(s) with a gunā€ meme, do they?


Iā€™d love to see that list of Republicans at the NRA convention go viral, and every single name on it be defeated in the next election.

The vote is our last remaining leverage, but theyā€™ll have to pry it out of our cold, dead hands.


pander: verb: 1. gratify or indulge (an immoral or distasteful desire, need, or habit or a person with such a desire, etc.).


I donā€™t mind that the NRA has Conventions, per se, but I think it should be a requirement that everyone who enters the building be armed and loaded at all times.


Hey Two Scoops: Hereā€™s a thousand or so people in my home town, talking to each other about how weā€™re going to note who wonā€™t support gun control and VOTE THEM OUT. Have fun with your little friends in Dallas.

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He can collect the Russian issued check through his NRA clearinghouse in person rather than having it pushed through different accounts. Itā€™ll be easier that way.


Of course he will. The Republican Party ā€“ the political wing of the NRA.

Will he have to wear the NRA leash and collar, or will they pretend heā€™s his own man?

Got the speech already. Just change the word Michigan to NRA.
Done, kaput, move on.

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OMG, I was thinking the same thing. Except for the ā€œI hope heā€™ll be careful.ā€