Discussion: Trump To Address NRA Amidst Post-Parkland Gun Control Movement

Some good news …



“Which Donald Trump is going to show up?”

He is who his audience wants him to be, and he’s only that for as long as he’s in front of them. So I think it’s fair to expect him to go there and grab an AR-15 by its extended magazine.


I predict that this will not go well.



“No collusion!”

“It’s a good thing I won, in a record setting electoral landslide, or Hillary would be taking away all your guns!!”

“We can again say ‘Merry Christmas’ thanks to me!”

Put on a repeat loop and go back to the Green Room to tweet.

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Being tone deaf is always a winning strategy.

Please proceed, Spanky.

We’re all gonna wait until the NRA has to come clean about their own Russian collusion.

Which reminds me, gotta order more popcorn. These last couple of weeks have decimated my supply.


About the only thing left for Trump to check off the stupidity list is invading Russia in the winter.


It might be different from now on. The gun lobby had emotion and organization, and the control advocates didn’t, until Parkland happened. I went to a March 27 rally and it was a litany, with the focus on one thing: politicians who take NRA money. The chant was Vote them out! No more going hat in hand to a cynical Congress. You take the money, we’re coming for you. We’ll see if anything’s changed. But it’s possible. There’s a whole lot of parents out there who want their kids to come home from school alive.


NRA : " NO gun control , but our convention is a gun free zone " .


Hmm, Donald out of the White House ?

Maybe Rudy should hide in the Rose Garden, so the guy tasked with firing him, can’t find him ?

The NRA conventions were gun free zones before the Secret Service made it a requirement of their security. The NRA shows remarkable common sense when the target is painted on their butts.

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I haven’t see photos of the interior of the hall(s) that serve as the venue. However, this morning a NPR reporter described it as 20 acres of guns and hunting and security related items under roof. Unless every single gun on display is disabled, or secured to a table, or has a locked trigger guard in place it still seems to me a pocketful of bullets and bad intent on a person’s part would allow for mass carnage.

And how is 20 acres of guns a “gun free zone”?

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Which Donald Trump is going to show up? The cowardly one.

With all of the staffers and sycophants that drop to their knees and suck Trump’s tiny member on a daily basis; it’s nice to see Trump on his knees doing the sucking for a change. Don’t forget to wipe that LaPierre off your chin after you leave the stage, Donny.


You can always spot the hypocrites when the rules they call for everyone else don’t apply to them…

SYLLOGISM: Camille Cosby is to Bill Cosby what most Republican legislators are to Donald Trump.

Makes sense that a man-baby convention would invite the world’s biggest man-baby. It’ll be interesting to see how badly he f–ks even this up. What are the odds he somehow incriminates himself in his speech?