Discussion: Trump Threatens To 'Do The Same Thing' To 'Fake News' As DNC Did To Fox

Keep it up, you disgusting creep. Dig yourself deeper and deeper into your ultimate demise. Can’t wait for the day when Agent Orange is gone- the sooner, the better


Trump was looking for an excuse not to debate the Democratic candidate. Far easier to tweet than answer questions.


You were so disgusting during your debates with Hillary that I would love to see you throw a tantrum and skip the debates this time.

Then I would love to see you refuse to accept the results of the election and call for a civil war. Then after a civil war doesn’t break out (since we’re talking about 30 some odd% of the population against the rest of us and not states vs states, I fail to see how it would work) refuse to leave anyway and get dragged out by the Secret Service while we watch.

Can you do that for me?


Du-u-h, is he actually threatening to not participate in the Democratic party’s primary debates? Unless I’m missing something, a sitting president does not engage in debates with the various contenders in the opposing party’s primaries. But he will, of course, engage them via real time Twitter comments – he is incapable of not doing that. So in that respect, at least, we can expect that he will, in fact, threat not withstanding, be the first sitting president to participate in the opposing parties primary debates.

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Me too, please. Also, I’m imagining an election night scenario similar to this one.


:joy: :joy: :joy:

It would be such a thing of beauty to see.