Discussion: Trump: The GOP Race And TV Ratings Would 'Collapse' If I Quit

Discussion for article #241404

Chaffetz wants so be Speaker because he thinks he’s good on television. Trump is in the race because it’s entertaining and good for ratings. We’re killing each other by the thousands every year out of sheer terror of the monsters under the bed. And bombing hospitals for good measure. This country is fucking insane.


“there’d be a major collapse of television ratings” Ratings? … what ratings? oh … I must have missed the part where the GOP race for President was turned into a Fox reality show.


Drump’s right again - for the second time today.


Trump is right. In the summer and fall of 2015, he’s the best comedy on TV.

I doubt that’s what he intended.


The Ratings President!


He’s right, it’s just that this isn’t supposed to matter.



It’s venal. And crass. And profit-gorging…

But the idea of “shame” only has meaning to those who can be shamed.

Too much of “news” is already entertainment: stimulating too many people for the much smaller segment of the population (which still remembers the times of actual journalists) to believe that their gasps of mortification at what Trump is saying would result in any generalized sentiment of “outrage”.

In that sense, the following words may have some meaning regarding those who–even now–follow Donald Trump:

“Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do”:


The jokes would be harder to write without target-rich Trump in the picture. But there is plenty to laugh at among the others if you look hard enough.


The BUSHS are about to throw Donald some more meat…

Ya know, desperate time call for desperate measure and
JEB! is certainly that. His cries for HELP …mommy! So mommy gathers brother George from under his rock, to help JEB! MOMMY’S Boys, are going to BRING-IT to The Donald…LOL

Meanwhile back at camper the VILLAGERS are gathering to great the ‘BUSHS’…

I find it interesting that he’s hinting about dropping out of the race. I don’t think it’s accidental. He’s a salesman, and he frequently plants ideas that subconsciously ring true, regardless of how offensive or immature he may be.

Best possible scenario for Trump: he leaves while he’s at the top of the polls, gooses his brand, gets to brag about how he could have been president if he wanted to, leverages the fame into media appearances and another reality show or money-making enterprise. Best of all, he gets the adulation without having to do the work.


The guy that did this is going to rescue a campaign for President?


Not news.

Altho he’s right. He’s the biggest clown in the car right now.

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News flash, Donald, it’s boring already. I’ve stopped hatewatching. You say something dumbassily provocative, predictable reaction ensues, rinse and repeat. We’re reaching for the clickers to see what else is on besides The Loudmouth Show. And I suspect you know it.

well, donald, if you ditched, maybe they would have to start talking real issues. wait! that’s a totally losing strategy. guess they would continue the hate, lying and fear-mongering. go with what you know.