Discussion: Trump Tells Struggling Puerto Ricans To 'Give Us More Help'

I’ve posted this before, but Drumpf is a total loser and no leader whatsoever. His claim that because PR is an island, it’s harder to provide relief is a crock. The highly accurate weather radar systems we have showed clearly, and well in advance, that PR was going to take a direct hit. Drumpf could have easily dispatched various classes of ships to be in the area, out of storm’s path, but at the ready to move in immediately after Maria passed. Nothing whatsoever was done to position ships in the general area. Drumpf is a moron and is totally unfit for the office he holds. Any high school kid could have seen Maria coming and prepared better than the Orange Fecal Stain. Total loser.


Never happen. Snopes is concerned with truth. Truth is anathema to der Furor.


Every instinct of Trump is grotesque, awkward, self-serving, and base.


Once again citing fake news for his vile, citizen-killing policies and governing lapses.


He is trying to commit genocide


What. A. Fucking. ASSHOLE.

¡Vete a la mierda, Señor Presidente!


Sick and stupid. In case you were in any doubt…

"Puerto Rico. It’s an island. Surrounded by water. Big water. Ocean water…” — DT

(Who, to ensure he will never, ever be outdone, channels BOTH dumb and dumber).

Sometimes it feels like our country elected “evil Chauncey Gardener”. Except in his case, “I like to golf…”


Because people praising me for doing a great job is more important than doing my job.


He’s so evil and stupid it boggles the mind.


What a fool.
I know people in Houston.They aren’t that impressed and give FEMA a C, but Trump a D (and they voted for him) so…


“He congratulated “first responders, the military, FEMA” for their “incredible job”…” Trump has just committed a RINO heresy in congratulating FEMA which the wingers consider to be another example of a Liberal, big government, big spending program.


His sick mind isn’t all that hard to figure out.

First, there’s the need for adulation and support. Second, there’s the fragile-ego inferiority complex at the root of his narcissism that compels him to deny blame, spin realities where nothing is his fault and that everything he does is great and is going great. Third is the rather more well-grounded awareness that the thirty-five percenters who still fervently support him, and who are the only people who are important to him because they give him the adulation he craves like an addict craves heroin, live in a pseudo-reality of their own creation and anything and everything he says will be woven into that alternate reality by them. And finally, is a lifetime of being rewarded for just flat out lying to people’s faces.

And all of those things cause him to say the same kinds of things. These kinds of things.

Cushioned from consequences by the vast fortune he inherited, he’s more or less made all of that work out pretty well for him until now. But the thing he isn’t getting, and at this point is incapable of getting, is heretofore, to the extent they worked, his lies worked because he was grifting, telling people things they already wanted to believe, things that harnessed their own avarice to make them complicit in their own fleecing. That was a world, however, where his victims chose themselves, people who were stupid or greedy or just oblivious and those who were on to him didn’t much get involved with him.

Before, the people who were capable of seeing through to what he really is–whether because they were smart or because they were capable of learning the hard way–were relatively rare, because he wasn’t worth their trouble. Now, that’s not true. Because as we’ve seen, only about one in three people are willing to volunteer to be his marks and the rest are finally motivated to care that he’s pathologically lying grifting narcissist.


I can’t wait to see the look on Trump’s stupid face when he sees the reception he’ll get from Puerto Ricans.

He’s expecting praise and genuflection from the masses—and he’ll get a middle finger and rejection instead.

And of course, he’ll say something stupid and insensitive—further proof of his inability to do the job and his utter and complete lack of empathy or moral center.


Trump is lucky if the people of Puerto Rico do not tear his limbs and head off and throw them into the ocean as the chum they always were. I cannot stomach the garbage he’ll be spouting once he sees the devastation on the ground.


WHAT is wrong with him?

I feel that he’s is punishing the people in Puerto Rico.
What’s the matter Donald didn’t they vote for you?

Seriously STUPID you’re cooking your own goose.


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They’re not letting donnie wear his tie in the helicopter any more …

Too much chance of the tape coming loose …tie flying up jamming the rotors —


So sad and delusional. How can anyone be so miswired?


I hope the Puerto Ricans protest Trump. He was awful and the recovery effort is very poor. Now, he’s trying to back down by blaming it on the mayor. He is incompetent!

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There were likely more Trump missteps in Fla n Texas, but because the onus was on the state and local level, its not surprising that he sees him in the catbird’s seat.


What a (fill in the blanks) who doesn’t have the (more blanks) to even (blank stare).

A national embarrassment. Anyone of Puerto Rican descent or has friends or family there need to register to vote- then VOTE Democratic tickets in 2018. Our nation’s only hope.