Isn’t this clearly a case of inciting violence? He’s not only telling people to commit violence, he’s saying there will be no legal consequences and/or he’ll pay for them if there are any. Hope some poor soul doesn’t whip out one of those red stress balls, or a clown nose.
Further evidence of Mr. Trump’s credentials, as well as his aspirations for enhancing the dignity of his presidential campaign.
Authority through violence. There’s always been a scummy subculture that’s itched for it. And now they’ve found their leader.
O SURE, he’ll cover your butts when sued. And if ONE of those DUMMIES he calls his supporters does as he has prompted them to do…YOU know who’ll pay, it won’t be TRUMP, it’ll be your dumb ass stupid.
With every passing day, Donald Trump is getting crazier.
Cornell’s definition]1
“So if you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them,” Trump said at his rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
“I will pay for the legal fees. I promise,” he added.
Trump continued, “And I’ll even buy you some nice brown shirts as a reward!”
I was thinking the rebirth of Il Duce!
The Animal Farm, how appropriate for the GOP primaries.
They would have to be cherry tomatoes, otherwise he would need to use two hands.
Last week Lawrence O’Donnell made a case for a number of Trump’s negatives (the one focused upon was the idea of Trump succeeding in “normalizing” withdrawal for debates as a preemptive measure).
In making this case, O’Donnell pointed out some negatives regarding Trump. His GOP “sane Republican” guest, Steve Schmidt, begged to differ, asserting that Trump has a vision, is a skilled enough debater to take on Hillary or Bernie, and ignored Trump’s inciteful and bigoted statements.
That succeeded in startling Lawrence, to the extent that he (almost as an aside) said to Rachel Maddow (seated beside him in the studio) something dismissive about Trump almost in jest.
“The GOP is getting on Board with Trump”… was what Schmidt told me, washing away, for many Americans, any ideas about his political judgements nurtured from the film, “Game Changer”…
Short of Trump obtaining the nuclear codes and using them, the GOP is going to dance with what brung 'em.
That Schmidt endorsement of Trump (the entire Lawrence O’Donnell Last Word segment), which was one of the more misleading and slanted ones I have seen (even for the GOP) should be nailed to Schmidt as a permanent sound bite until Nov. 2016, to be used whenever someone says things like, “Some moderate Republicans like Steve Schmidt say______________”
Glitter bomb the fucker…Go ahead, and make it gold glitter at that. The gilded jackass deserves only the best as far as I’m concerned. Plus, it’ll take the rest of the day and night for him to get it out of that infernal mop-head of his.
Surprise! Trump IS the rotten tomato…
As much as I dislike Trump, that doesn’t make what this young man did correct. You can’t break the law just because you don’t like what someone is saying. If we condone this behavior it makes our side no better than their side. You have to think about this in a broader sense. If someone was throwing things at Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders, we would be incensed. If it’s not OK to do to our candidates, it’s not OK to do to their candidates. We live in a country that is supposed to be governed by the rule of law, not mob rule.
I don’t think I conceded the tomato hurler was “on my side”.
No lawyer who tells Mr. Trump things Mr. Trump doesn’t want to hear works for Mr. Trump very long. Hence the noticeable brown stain on the nose of that obsequious toady who issues bombastic threats while fulsomely calling him “Mr. Trump.”
A riot is an ugly thing…
Isn’t this clearly a case of inciting violence?
It seems so. Also, couldn’t he be cited for “saying everything he can think of to try to lose the caucus.” Is that a crime in the state of Iowa?
Wait a minute: if MONEY is “legally” considered “speech,” why can’t TOMATOES?!?!?
Fascist little dick; ordering his brown shirts to beat people up. Gee how “presidential”.
And illegal.