Discussion: Trump Tells Pompeo Not To Travel To North Korea Due To Lack Of Progress


This is just like the criminal stuff. It might be perfectly sensible to say some of these things to advisors. But tweeting them is just plain stupid.

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Nope you’re right…that asshole traitor sold us out for his fat photo op with that other fat fucking dictator scumbag.

I hold every scumbag Republican in this country personally responsible too - for this and a thousand other crimes these traitors are perpetrating against our country daily. Screw them all.


What about that Nobel Peace Prize? Darn, and Obama who did so much less than me got one. Not fair.

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the Russian state media released news articles, reporting that President Trump’s residence at the White House has a direct hotline to Moscow, utilizing exclusively Russian-made encryption equipment.

There was a time I would have called bullshit on this.


Yup! Trump lied . . . .yet again.


Dotard doesn’t want Pompeo to be in NoKo when he unleashes the MAGA tactical nuclear strike on NoKo, code named “Operation Collusion Deflection”

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Could it be he worries that Pompeo might defect? Anything to distance himself from the Trumpswamp.


My thoughts exactly. I hope his doctor’s put him in a medically induced coma for the health and safety of the country.

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All this winning is making me dizzy, I cannot keep up with it.

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After Helsinki, everybody knows that Putin likes to have private time with Trump. Trump’s opinion on this matter is not as clear.

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Is there an application that can tell if a given tweet was written by the President. Like, the ones, that are used to see if Shakespear wrote Something, himself. This one has longer sentences with, subordinate clauses, and “commas” that work better than his usual “stuff.” But it’s absurd!


An ordinary president would be satisfied with a lack of progress after the job has been completed, but Trumpp won’t be satisfied with such lame standards.

When Trumpp declares Mission Accomplished, he doesn’t just go home and accept congratulations. No! He’s a Trumpp and he’s going to stick around and maybe even take a stab at getting some early steps of the mission started.

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Well, I for one am back to NOT sleeping tonight thinking of NK nuclear annihilation. Has Trump forgot about that?

Trump of course was declaring victory in the face of defeat and utter shame during the kiss-up Fox interview- he got back the “hostages” (which is almost a yearly event for former high-profile US dignitaries), and claimed credit for no NK missile tests, which NK stopped, on their own, long before any Singapore meeting.

What a smuck.


Trump often spikes the ball well short of the goal line. What a moron.

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Next year is a major anniversary for North Korea - perhaps Donnie is hoping to be invited to their military parade.


Did Bolton get a turn with Dump’s phone?