That would be nice. It’s sort of amazing that NOBODY- not even the media- in all of the time that Republicans have been pushing tax cuts using this bogus argument has ever seriously questioned Republicans about this and/or demanded some kind of factual claims to back up their rhetoric. And yet, people keep supporting tax cuts over and over again despite the fact that it has never resulted in a financial windfall for anybody but the 1%.
And your senator, Claire McCaskill, she must do this for you. And if she doesn’t do it for you, you have to vote her out of office,”
If the US tax-payers paid for this political trip and speech, add it onto the growing list for future Articles of Impeachment.
Because white people on welfare and disability believe that they’d be rich if it weren’t for minorities.
(this isn’t even much of an exaggeration)
Please don’t ask that question unless you want a totally absurd answer.
Feral trumpers believe (really believe) that corporate America is responsible for job creation. The fact that it’s not true now nor has it been true for many years means nothing to them.
What they almost always respond with is: “Well, a poor man never gave me a job.”
“He spoke in broad strokes”=He’s taking out of his a** about things he doesn’t understand but it sounds nice for his base.
He spoke in broad strokes, saying that it was a “monumental thing that happened” when Ronald Reagan authorized lowering the corporate tax rate to 34 percent in 1986.
This is actually true, but it doesn’t support the idea of cutting taxes further. In fact, it undermines it. There’s really nothing more to be cut if you understand that this country is getting more populated not less, and services are getting more expensive, not less. The idea that we should be cutting taxes for highly profitable corporations when that money is actually necessary for these services is preposterous.
“Many other large American corporations have also been playing the tax break and loophole game. Their huge tax savings have enriched executives but not created significant numbers of new jobs.”
I can hear the tread of the jacquerie in the streets, as thousands march with signs demanding “Slash corporate taxes!”
““We must, we have no choice, we must lower our taxes.” “Our” taxes being corporate taxes. For those not corporations, it’s not “our” taxes but “their” taxes.
Trump STILL thinks that he’s CEO and that our Representatives and Senators work for/answer to HIM.
Because the Democrats refuse to loudly take up the cause of economic populism, a lot of working class Americans feel abandoned by the Democrats. That is why we have Trump and what powdered Bernie. There is a lot of upside for the Democratic party if it pays less attention to the needs of hedge fund managers and the payday loan industry, and more attention to out of work factory workers.
Now attack away.
yadda yadda yadda -The Democrats don’t need old white working class racists to win. In a fair election there is no way this tiny minority of idiots can elect anyone. They had loads of help from Russia but even if they didn’t
The Democrats don’t need old white racists in the party. And that’s who those people are.
But they got Jay-Zuss!
economic populism is nothing more than excuses for racism.
Very few people are talking about Sanders anymore. He’s kinda faded into the shadows although on Twitter, he’s got a large army of bots waiting to take up his cause.
There aren’t too many low wage workers clamoring against the “payday loan industry” seeing as they rely on it heavily.
Do his deplorables know the proposed one-page tax return won’t have a mortgage interest deduction? And the GOP will find it “too hard” to eliminate corporate welfare while striking out deductions for insurance premiums and major medical?
The Democratic party needs all the American voters it can get. Nothing good comes from the kind of tribal bullshit you boldly stated in you last sentence.
Once upon a time, corporate executives cared about employees, their communities, and America.
Then they cared only about “shareholders”.
Now, most care only about “executive compensation”.
They dump employees, devastate cities, sell assets, move offshore, and leave investors holding the bag.
We’ve gone from the Industrial Age…to the Reagan Era…to the Take-The-Money-And-Run Economy.
Economics 101 in GOP America.
ETA: And I say that as a long-time business owner who’s never, ever put off hiring because of “high taxes”.
The Democratic party needs all the American voters it can get.
No, this is wrong unless you’re looking to the Dem Party to go back to the time of the Dixiecrats.
“Tribal bullsh*t”? Oh, please. Feral trumpers are THE MOST tribal of alll.