Nikita Khrushchev warned us.
The delusions are getting scary. Or, maybe he’s SO sly, he thinks he can trick us all! We are so tricked, Don. Just like you’re going to pull one over on Mueller, right? Go for it!
You just keep thinkin’ ther Butch, That’s what yer good at.
So says the giant red (orange) doofus.
If I find the time, in between China, Iran, the Economy and much more, which I must, we will have a giant Red Wave!
That’s if he finds the time, of course.
Keep talking you dumb son of a bitch - depress turnout of your voters cause they won’t think they need to bother voting cause everyone else will do it for them.
You’re so stupid - this is perfect.
As long as I campaign and/or support Senate and House candidates (within reason), they will win!
Yes, Donnie, this is the exactly the lesson you should take from this election. Please go hit the campaign trail hard for all of the GOP incumbents in close races, especially those from suburban districts. Don’t let Chuck and Nancy get you down.
Ya hear that Carnival Cruz - IF Rump can make time to parachute down to TX, then you might win. Other than that, you’re toast and he’ll be glad to point that out when you lose.
As long as I campaign and/or support Senate and House candidates (within reason), they will win!
Within reason? Who wrote this tweet?
LOL, what wins? Washington and Michigan took the R’s to the cleaners.
Why can’t they play it straight, so unfair to the Republican Party and in particular, your favorite President!
Parody or delusional “authenticity”? Foot in mouth or tongue in cheek? You decide.
Not enough anatomy choices.
Red Wave, just like in Florida…
I repeat: Donnie is Prince of the Kingdom of Self Delusion and that delusion blinds him to reality: He watches Fox, he talks to Hannity and to a collection of his buds (Carl Ichan among them) who stroke his ego and tell him he is doing great, he tapes his rallies and calls in aides to show them “the best parts,” he believes wins in a party primary are the same as wins in a general election, he is more and more reinforced in his belief that HIS showing up in key races is the key to victory, he crafts dozens of lies and half truths which he believes fervently are the truth, he believes that a big rally turnout demonstrates how much he is “loved” by the general populace, and he refuses to listen to any outside advice because he always knows better and all of this reinforces his belief that this is true.
Thank you Donnie. The Democratic Party will send you an engraved tea set when this is all over for your very generous contributions.
As much as I’m desperately hoping for a change in the house, I’m dismayed by last night’s results, especially in OH-12. Feels like even after everything that happened, either not enough people convinced to go another direction or gerrymandering / suppression too big a hurdle. Can’t imagine Democrats not engaged enough to vote.
If I were on their side, this is what I’d be doing too.
Sorry to be a skeptic but feels like too much celebrating over not enough results. If there’s not a big swing in November, expect a huge sense of demotivation on Democratic side for some time to come.
Haven’t given up - am filling out voter encouragement cards for ACLU - as many as I can do before the fall.
That is what I think of every time he says that.
You would think someone would know who spends so much time in Palm…oh never mind.
“Your favorite president” sounds like something Krusty the Klown would say if he were president. It’s just corny-ass old-school hype typical of local-market kids’ shows circa 1952.
Yeah he also does that I think to poke liberals cause he knows we hate him.
It’s obvious that he’s quite proud of inventing it.