Discussion: Trump Surrogate Accuses Capt. Khan's Father Of Using Son As A ‘Shield' (VIDEO)

“That was very hypocritical, frankly, of someone to stand next to someone who has absolute disregard for the Constitution and then wave a pocket Constitution out in front of the camera,” Collins said. (Rep. Chris Collins-R from NY)

Even this is a lie! Is he referring to Hillary here? – Because Mr. Khan was standing next to his wife. Is he claiming Mrs. Khan “has absolute disregard for the Constitution?”

Keep digging, Trump people.


“HE FELT”…WHAT A FUC KING HACK…THIS IS WHY Trump and his apologists are going down in flames…these people are beyond disgraceful…


Never noticed that.

Disgusting doesn’t begin to describe.



I cannot support a Republican Party that denounces our troops and comforts Vladimir Putin.

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But, there are many Muslims in America who not only have no desire to assimilate, but wish to live under Sharia Law.

That is unacceptable to Americans. There is only one law of the land. That is the U.S. Constitution.

Where? Where are these Muslims? They always say this bullshit, but never cite one area of the country where this is happening! WHERE??? WWWWHHHERRRRE!!!

The shameless faux boogey man bullshit is sickening! it’s absolutely revolting. Show me one place in this country where there are a group of Muslims who want to live under Sharia Law in this country. I’m okay with being wrong. I will apologize and say “I stand corrected.” Just show me where!


Ooo! Oooo!! Can I try?

Please, oh please, oh please?


That’s the thing with these fcuking bigots. They think Every Muslim is just a terrorist in waiting. Every black man is a criminal in waiting. every brown skinned immigrant is a drug mule. They are just racist racists hiding behind their fear.


Now hold those horses. Anna and Lars are both popular first names in Norway, and in 2011 they had their own home grown white supremacist terrorist attack. But I guess a white nationalist attack is better than a mentally deranged person attack. s/


OMFG. Thanks, I guess. The mindless talking points, said over and over. So cultish. I am amazed at the level of delirium. Cars kill more people than terrorism in the US. Alcohol. Tobacco. Cancer. Oh…and GUNS.

And, as albesure noted, the f’ing sharia law canard. Fear sells big time.

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That’s not what the Internet is saying

Does Trump Supporter realize that Deb’s reply is also part of the internet? Sort of proves right there he’s being very selective in what he calls “the internet”.

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I wasn’t really sure what what or who he meant to implicate by that, but it bothered me too. We’re apparently now flinging baseless accusations at any- and every- one in some desperate attempt to justify an attack campaign against grieving parents of a man who gave his life in the service of our country.

And all the while, these “all Muslims are secret terrorists” rationalizations cropping up everywhere only prove that Khizr Kahn was right as right could be in what he said onstage at the DNC.

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I don’t remember Hillary tearing into the mother of the Bengazzi victim! Some people should just be heard, respected and understood.

Another pathetic little man .

I really shiver when I consider the amount of support this nasty buffoon is garnering. I’m basically an optimistic person, but the fact the GOP voters went straight to the bottom of the scum pond for their nominee (not that any of their candidates was worth two week-old moldy bread, though) – but the fact they sought out the very worst of the nasty like moths to a bright porch light on a steamy summer night … just gross. We have to do our level best to speak up when necessary, calmly educate folks who spout unsubstantiated and verifiable lies of the GOP and old Bernie talking points. SCOTUS is vital to the direction of this nation, even the world. We cannot allow these cowardly, greedy, narcissistic, psychopathic, hate-filled liars-at-all-costs demagogues to get back into the White House. Damn Mitch McConnell, to Hell with Paul Ryan – and ANY conservative who doesn’t rebuke Trump and vow to vote for Hillary, and just fucking put our nation first for once.

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"It’s a very big subject for me, border security is very big. When you have radical Islamic terrorists probably all over the place, we’re allowing them to come in by the thousands and thousands. And I think that’s what bothered Mr. Khan more than anything else. (Donald Trump)

This is from Josh’s editorial blog last night (08/01/2106). This man (Donald) is literally like a one-track minded pit bull that was trained as an attack dog. He is out for blood; he is out to hurt and smear. He does not comprehend the difference between a presidential candidate (himself) and private citizens (the Khans). The man is far more than just a delusional narcissistic jerk. Remember, folks, this is also the way he went after anyone who took him to court to seek payment for goods and services already delivered. I am ashamed Donald Trump is an American. And, to think, he spawned. Ughh!!


I hear you Darr . . .

And this Collins?

This shit-for-brains is only doing what he’s been dictated to do…

Mon Aug 1, 2016 9:32pm EDT

Trump campaign asks Capitol Hill to back him in Khan controversy


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Instead of just passively receiving this shit news readers should do what I do when I hear this stuff–laugh out loud at the dam fool Trump is promising to pay for saying stuff like this. I might also suggest that they ask for their money up front.

Nice to see you ODG!
I thought this surrogate particularly reprehensible.

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Hey there…

Yes… As I said, a real…


All sorts of surrogates are coming out of the woodwork concerning Mr Khan. Just minutes ago a troll showed up called gopcurmudgeon and in the fashion of old EG the shitburner tossed a turd that Mr Khan was a Muslim Brotherhood member … and ran. The troll has since been silenced. I didn’t even have time to send the mods an alert he was around…again.
The ugliest rumors you can conjure are floating about the fringes of the web about Mr Khan and other military families. The GOP has abandoned its old old tried and true roots of unquestioned support for the military and war in general. Now it’s Trump whining that thousands of brown skin terrorists are coming here in waves to “kill you and steal yer house!!! Look out fer yer daughters!!” Fear, fire, PARANOIA!!!"
Most of my family has or is serving and to insult their service gets my hackles up. Just today a guy gave Trump something that should never be treated as a bauble to be sold or given away…a Purple Heart

This is intensely insulting to me. Combat awards are not baubles.

There has never been in my 7 decades on this planet anyone as unfit to serve as POTUS than Donald J. Trump. And that is saying a lot.

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