Discussion: Trump Subdued: President Avoids Fiery Rhetoric Hours After Off-The-Rails Rally

I just drove through East Middlebury vermont, the pretty little village where the Waybury Inn is. That’s the inn pictured at the beginning of Newhart, when Bob was an innkeeper.

Anyway, there was a stir there, this week when two houses flew the confederate battle flag.

What’s interesting to me is that today, many many houses there were flying the American flag. More than usual, for sure.It looked like the 4th of July. It was powerful to me.

So, Trump and his people have embraced racism and the symbols of the old south. And a strong rebuke of the Trump GOP is America herself, and her flag.

Think about that.


I know why he was subdued - the 9 hours the judiciary committee spent with Steele’s employer and Steele released all his sources to the FBI.

Motherfucker is scared.


Psycho up, psycho down. Repeat.

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How much tax payer money did he blow this time? His flights of fancy are too expensive for my taste, unnecessary waste.
In case you didn’t now he is spent more money in the last seven months of his rain then Obama did in the total eight years of his service to the country. Donald Trump serves only himself.

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At least they have a big target. Hippo is right.

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…time of day, cans of red bull, what he just watched in fox…

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Do you have more details? I don’t know anyone with personal experience with Trump…so I really like to hear events from those who have…and aren’t trying to sell a book, or something.

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Donnie’s back on his meds, eh?

He is scared and he has good reason to be. His mental deterioration is out there for all to see. People were leaving his rally early last night. He is bat shit and even his cultist are getting bored with it. Trump is in a world of hurt and it is getting worse by the day. Complete breakdown time is near.


Donny Deutsch just read the definition of a psychopath on MSNBC as a descriptor for Trump

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I read that too. Isn’t it awesome? It wasn’t very well attended either, to judge by the pictures I saw from inside.

He does have good reason to be scared - he really blew it with his pro-Nazi - they’re good guys too. He has no allies - he alienates everyone he is isolated and Mueller is getting it together.


White chocolates only.

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You’d think that would have happened already, and that they could be in no less powerful a position with Pence at the helm. It is a puzzlement…

You know he is done when pundits are all referring to him as crazy. Last night CNN was all over the crazy factor and MSNBC is on it today. Haven’t seen one person defend him. Where is Kellyanne Conwoman?


I’m usually with Matt, but here, it’s a little too convenient.
Excellent snark.

She’s here by my side, where she belongs.
“Trump, Crazy? He’s no crazier than I am.”, she says.
Here’s a snapshot

There was a Post article talking about the Hoffman performance in the movie Lenny, where Lenny Bruce becomes increasingly self-pitying and unstable at the end. Probably on Netflix or Amazon. I’m going to look for it. Similarities might be interesting if morbid.