In all fairness he can’t find his ass with two hands
Well, he’s a billionaire. But I guess that is a little to early. Maybe his PDA? Still, the internet was still available to him and he did have a mobile phone.
“You didn’t do right by me, man, you didn’t do right by me,” Trump scolds someone with him, who Trump later calls a “scumbag.”
WTF? Somebody didn’t register him? Someone didn’t TELL him before he has to film himself voting? Who DOES that?
I am forcing myself now, even on the busiest of days, to schedule time to check in with the headlines several times a day. The Drumpf implosion stories are coming left and right. Used to be, if you waited to the end of the day, the one big story would still be a headline. Nowadays, stay offline for a couple of hours and you miss many headlines.
BecAUSe YOu DON’t KNOW WHat’s GOING to RUB oFF On your Armani suiT?
I think his rally in Maine starts at 3.
Damn! Conference call scheduled.
I know I should know better than to ask, given his pathology, but why did Trump agree to do this? Not just rhetorically, what was his motive here? Did he think helping Billy Bush with an Access Hollywood segment would get him in with the Bush clan? Presumably he could have made an ass of himself on-camera anywhere and he seems to have been harboring these political delusions for a while.
Can’t be Armani. They don’t cut suit pants full enough for Drumpf’s fat ass.
It wasn’t immediately apparent from the video why Trump’s name was not on the rolls in those polling places.
He must have been registered as a Democrat and was purged from the voter rolls.
If I get too close they might vomit on my Tanino Criscis.
Well, they would say that, wouldn’t they?
Because otherwise Donnie would look like a clueless moron.
Oh, wait.
It would be funny if it turns out he was registered at his primary residence in Florida instead of NY at the time, but as someone else said above, it’s probably more likely he was registered in Moscow.
Armani suit? Hah…no wonder the real billionaires look down on Trump. They wouldn’t be caught dead in an Armani. They have their own personal tailors or wear these:
Because Don the Con believes that the world is panting to know every sordid little detail of his sordid little life.
Except, now that we are in fact learning exactly how sordid those sordid details are, he doesn’t want us watching his reality show anymore.
“You didn’t do right by me, man, you didn’t do right by me,” Trump scolds someone with him, who Trump later calls a “scumbag.”
The best people…
Since he shows all signs of still being in his terrible twos, Trump obviously was never properly toilet trained. I’m sure he even tweets while sitting on his “golden throne”.
Ewwwwwwww, I could have done without that picture in my head.
didn’t want to vote with the rabble.
now expects the rabble to vote for him.
But you still “liked” it I see! I bet you’re a bad girl…