That’s why all the medicinal marijuana there… Poor fellas.
And legal prostitution?
The tulips and wooden shoes prevent it.
Apparently Trump defenders believe that it is OK to fight back even if it involves obstruction of justice, tampering with witnesses, and suborning perjury. Okie Dokie.
Hey, if you’re on the way out with a 4-blade windmill cancer, may as well enjoy the good life.
There is so much about Russian interference in elections in the report. And Trump dismantled the agency fighting that.
Trump always needs a cutout. That’s why he never fires anyone himself (especially not in person). I’m sure that if he weren’t such an ignorant coward that he would have indeed fired everyone. Much the same with his wink-wink-nudge-nudge non-collusion with the Russians; he delegated his collusion to his flunkies and family and then pretended ignorance.
So guys, are you all proud of yourselves? Defended this utter piece of shit who would throw you out a window if it saved his ass? Something to tell your grandchildren, Ron, Don, Reince, KT, and of course, Bill. “I saved the most corrupt, stupid, utterly amoral, compassionless, disgusting human being that was ever president” - Mazel Tov!
Still waiting for the tweets from Orangestain regarding strawberry ice cream, duplicate keys, and geometric logic.
Just spitballing here, but maybe we could have a law that says if foreign nationals offer to assist a federal campaign, the campaign officials must report the contact to law enforcement?
You know, just in case you have a completely unethical, unpatriotic candidate running for office who needs a little extra help in the way of legal guardrails. Don’t say that could never happen.
If that bill came out of the House, could even sycophant GOP senators vote against it?
Huh, turns out that Trump is the real victim. I did nazi that coming.
Trump could have reported Russian crimes and interference. He didn’t.
President Four-Year-Old, Ladies and Gentlemen.
aww…hurted fee fees.
Isn’t he cute?
Yeah donnie you could fire anyone like you did Comey. Except that be careful of firing people investigating you as that can be construed to be … ahem … obstruction. And then watch out confessing why you did so to Lester Holt and also bragging about it to the Russian Foreign Minister and their Ambassador which makes your move look like corrupt intent. Lucky for you the DoJ has that rule that saves your ample ass… until you are out of office that is.
A prudent person would know when to keep quiet. His need to have the last word, like the troll he is, will be his undoing.
Very sage advice. Can’t take the basic “win”, has to try to do a victory dance over his “competitors”. Which only leads to more dirt coming out.
And probably a lot longer.
But Trump indicating that he could have obstructed even more strikes me as being distinctly off-message for him. I expected that he would be trumpeting only that the “report totally exonerates him” and proves “no collusion”. There must be a part of his brain that realizes that it does no such thing.
Catnip to his base, though.