Discussion: Trump Stared At Walls, Wandered Out Of Room While Ryan Explained Health Care

“The raw childish boredom and the need to express contempt were leapfrogging over each other.”

not mentioned in the article, but i’d bet snacks were involved.


Donnie ‘thinks’ he’s the smartest guy in the room…period. He doesn’t listen unless it’s a rerun of F&F or Seanie…it’s ridiculous. McConnell not allowing the Senate to VOTE on anything just makes it all worse. Honest to God.

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Is there a reason why everyone working at the WH shouldn’t go to jail for conspiring in keeping this evil mentally ill buffoon from public exposure?


Every time I read one of these articles about how ___________ fill in the blank Trump is, I stop and think 2 things:

  1. He is actively hurting the lives of millions of people every day
  2. We have been essentially powerless to prevent it for over 2 years now.

As bad as Trump is, I really think it shows how desperately our system needs a complete overhaul. This would not be happening in an actual functioning democratic government. We can blame Republicans, but it really goes even deeper than that. All of the stops that were put into place have not worked and did not envision anything like this as being possible.


Not surprising. Sort of classic avoidance behavior as a defense here and I bet they see it all the fucking time with this kkklown. He’s a deeply delusional narcissist who prides himself on the belief that he’s the smartest person in any given room to the point of it being like some sort of megalomaniacal Dunning-Kruger syndrome. Being confronted with complex information over which he has no chance of forming anything resembling mastery, he avoids the narcissistic wound of trying and failing to form it by immediately becoming disinterested, dismissive and condescending. What Plutocrat Pauly was jabbering about wasn’t what was important…the substance of the proposal meaningless…only the act of using something, anything to get rid of President Darky’s ACA and replace it so Trump could crow about winning was important.


“While Ryan was talking, Trump wandered around, staring out windows and at walls and sipping his Diet Coke. He eventually wandered out of the room and switched on the TV in his private dining room, forcing Vice President Mike Pence to jog out and fetch him back.”

Two things.

  1. With the exception of having Mike Pence fetch me, this is not much different from how I respond to Paul Ryan whenever Paul Ryan is talking.

  2. That he was drinking a Diet Coke shows Trump knows something about health care.

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“Is there a reason why everyone working at the WH shouldn’t go to jail for conspiring in keeping this evil mentally ill buffoon from public exposure?”

prisons have the best Walls. they are designed to keep the riffraff out.


" Nobody knew" healthcare was so hard!


Take a deep breath, two steps back and take a long hard look from way up above the planet and tell me what you see all over Europe. Put it in historical context.

This isn’t just happening here. And we’re holding together remarkably well under the pressure. Changing things would cause it all to unravel. Cf. Britain.


I’m surprised it took Ryan that long to explain “Don’t get sick. If you do, die.”


What about 3.

A comment on Pence “jogging”? Has to be the best part.

Donnie thinks he is a smart guy because he had a really smart uncle who worked at MIT. He said so himself. Good genes he said.


“Trump Stared At Walls, Wandered Out Of Room…”

In other words, a Tuesday.


Gee, its almost like that place where a heart should be, isn’t into the job.


FAKE NEWS!!!1111111111111!!!

Donald did not stare at Wall.

He was actively engaged!!!

Taking notes, even!


Maybe he’s smarter than we think. :slight_smile:

C’mon…be fair now…I’m sure it was very complex concepts being discussed by Paul “Policy Wonk Star” Ryan:


My dad had dementia for years, but most people didn’t notice because he had so much personality and was always great at chitchat. Even at the end, he could talk to people for ten minutes and they’d only think he was a little off, before they began to realize that he was repeating himself and not remembering anything they said.

Back when he was Trump’s age, my dad seemed fully functional and the rest of my family insists he was fine at the time. But I know it started in his 60’s and only got worse. Everything Trump does is a backfire that people assume was intentional because it was so dumb that he must be a super-genius for doing it, and he lies like someone who can’t remember the truth and denies everything out of habit.

Giuliani acts the same way, like someone who can’t remember what they said in the past and blurts out things they weren’t supposed to say in public. Yet people think it’s because he suddenly became stupid and not that he’s an old dude with a failing brain. Presidents used to serve in their 50’s, which is why people retire in their 60’s. Brains wear out.


Spanky is uninterested in health care, and everything else, not disinterested. An uninterested person is bored, unconcerned, or indifferent. That’s our Spanky. A disinterested person is impartial, unbiased, or has no stake in the outcome. That ain’t him. He’s not smart enough to be disinterested.


I actually started laughing while imagining this happening. I know it’s far more serious, devastating, calamitous and whatnot. BUT - it would have been hilarious to watch the looks on Paul Ryan’s face as this went down. But, but, I’m smart! I’m the wunderkind, you HAVE to listen to me!

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