When do we admit as a country that the guy is mentally ill? He couldn’t even say anything coherent at a frickin" Easter Egg Roll! He started talking about how great the economy was and how he “totally” restructured the military… my God, help us.
They go hand in hand
He holds court like a king and these big shots are happy to pretend he actually is king. Why?
“Nice little platform you have here, Jack. Shame if anything happened to it.”
Ask Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh…
Lucky Trump already knows everything there is to know about everything or he wouldn’t have so much free time for Twitter rants.
I don’t think that at all.
I think that the Democrats, as a group, have the worst messaging skills in the Western Hemisphere.
I think that the Democrats, as a group, have the worst messaging skills in the Eastern Hemisphere.
I think that the Democrats, as a group, have the worst messaging skills in the Southern Hemisphere
I think that the Democrats, as a group, have the worst messaging skills in the Northern Hemisphere
Any way you slice it, the Democrats cannot message anything, no matter how good/reasonable/polling high/etc it is
In addition (and I want @jacksonhts to weigh in on this)…the GOPPERs are Caribs, the Dems are Arawaks.
Exactly my thought. What exactly was the purpose of this meeting, and why did Dorsey agree to it?
Trump anthem:
I think a bigger problem than messaging is the perennial peeling off of sectors of voters who should be solidly in the Democratic Camp. If everyone voted, the GOP could never win and Americans could rid themselves of the Republican Party, as Jennifer Rubin, former Republican shill has called for.
And I don’t agree the Democrats cannot message.
The Democrats are Argentinean Radicales and the Republicans are Peronistas. Every democratic country has a sector that bends the rules and is willing to cheat and bully and commit violence. Rupert Murdoch tends to support that sector, unless he is not needed, as is the case in Israel where Sheldon Adelson does Murdoch’s job.
There were Tainos in the Caribbean too. I recently (relatively speaking) read Stuart Schwartz’ Sea of Storms which is about the recorded history of hurricanes in the Caribbean. The Caribs were excellent at predicting hurricanes and when they could travel (by sea) during hurricane season. So they weren’t just fierce warriors…and Father Rapers…(kudos to Arlo Guthrie).
He called him Frederick.
And said more and more people were coming to know him.
Because of his excellent work.
Childish. Utterly childish.
Dorsey stifled all the rancor by telling Trump he had HUGE hands. Smooth sailing after that.
I don’t have a twitter account,so I ask…has TRUMPf ever wrote about anything, on TWITTER, that actually affected the lives of AMERICANS or any one, other than himself.?
This is a rhetorical question, right?
President Donald Trump is completely hung up on his Twitter follower count. And he let the social media giant’s CEO know it.
Sure, that’s the only reason they met. Couldn’t possibly be that there were threats toward twitter to make it more republican friendly.
There’s no way this meeting was only about his follower count.
For starters: “Nice tech company. It’d be a shame for it to run into trouble with the FEC because of it’s obvious liberal bias. Good luck in federal court.”
Worthless, spineless and feckless. He’s making his and will do nothing to protect the US from the impending disaster that is the GOP and Trump. He is a firefighter pouring gasoline and he “shocked and saddened” that the fire is getting worse.
Right now I am grieving about Chiapas…